A/N - Hiatus

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This story, or two stories might I say if you include FL, is the one I have put the most thought, effort, and passion into out of every story I have ever written.

It takes me a good amount of time to think of the plotline and how to continue each chapter. At some points, it can be painfully draining.

The reason I am mentioning this is so I can explain to you all why I am taking a break from Message Man.

I'm really sorry to the few of you who were looking forward to future updates of this story in the near future.

But sadly, I'm not in correct mindset at the moment.

Over the course of the past two weeks or so I've been highly depressed and have done and thought many things the normal me would never consider.

I'm just not myself. I've genuinely wanted to end it all for the past three days now and I'm scaring myself.

And writing this story at the place it is at now is not going to help me. Thinking through this plot and using all this energy is not going to help me. Continuing the current scenes Josh is in is not going to help me.

My mental state is collapsing at the moment and I think I need a break from this story, especially since it is the one I update the most on my account anymore these days.

I truly am very sorry. This story will be on hiatus until further notice. I need to focus on my wellbeing and mental state right now.

I hope this won't be a long time. I will miss you guys. Thank you for reading and hopefully understanding along with your constant support. ❤


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