Act Twenty Five

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Taehyung couldn't remember the last time he felt so at ease.

Maybe there's something – correction; there's definitely something – in the way Jungkook pampers him with food and endless attention, as if he weren't scared in the least; as if he thought Taehyung wouldn't be able to notice him trembling or flinching whenever they made contact.

Or perhaps there's something with Jimin and the way he kept coming back despite how Taehyung treated him. How the red haired male had grabbed each possible chances to remind Taehyung that somebody cares –that somebody gives a shit about him, regardless of wether he's a good person or not.

Everything about it just made Taehyung feel somewhat safe, like he didn't need to keep watch on his own back for once. It calms his nerves beyond measure, yet at the same time, it also gave him quite the fright. He's not used to it, whatever it was; he felt soft and it's weird –not to mention, the very cause of him feeling the way he did was the two poor kid that he had bullied at school for no solid reason.

He thinks there must be some damage within the two men's head to make them think that whatever they're doing were normal – or, as Jungkook had implied; were just something that one does instinctively.

Well, whatever the fuck it was, presently, Taehyung couldn't deny that he's thankful for it.

The past days had enabled him to sleep and eat to his heart's content, and freed him slightly from a certain percentage of his nightmares –a much-needed consolation that had been so scarce to him ever since his mother got remarried and slipped that man into the picture.

Occasionally, Taehyung still finds himself getting a little jealous and heated every time he saw one of Jungkook's family photos hanging on the wall of his home, it reminded him of how less he had compared to the ravenette –and it's annoying, somewhat–but it was just a small inconvenience he could easily overcome by smugly eating up whatever food the house had without telling Jungkook or Jimin, so it's fine.

He's being a little bit ungrateful towards his 'saviors', but it's a big upgrade from being their bullies, so Taehyung doesn't let the guilt eat him up. It's okay, he thought, one step at a time.

"Jungkook, that's dumb, don't –" Jimin's voice was loud, yet muffled by his upcoming giggles. Taehyung snapped his focus towards the red haired male when he spoke up again, "Cat food?"

"No, no –you listen here," Jungkook pointed an accusing finger towards Jimin before sending Taehyung a timid look, "And, um, you listen too –okay?"

Taehyung just nodded, a flat look still plastered on his face. He didn't care much about what the two friends were arguing about, but he figured he should at least pretend to be curious as a small form of repayment.

"So," Jungkook started again after taking a large breath, "We've been skipping school for almost four days, and unless, um, you," he addressed Taehyung with an apologetic look, "Want to tell everyone what happened to you last week, we need to come up with a good excuse, right?"

Again, Taehyung nodded, face slightly more sullen now, and Jimin followed the gesture from beside him.

"And it came to me –we can't all say we got sick; the teachers would think we're lying – remember when that dumb couple, Jenny and Jongin, called in sick because they caught a flu at the same day? Remember what happened to them?"

"They got sent to the principal's office and got some assignments. Why?"

The words came out Taehyung's mouth quicker than they crossed his mind, so he had to take a second to understand why both Jungkook and Jimin were looking at him like he'd found the nation's long lost treasure or something. Internally, Taehyung cussed at himself once he realized what he'd done; he obviously came off too docile and friendly, so now the two idiots are going to think –

[Vmin/Vkook] Save MeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat