Act Thirteen

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"It's okay, right?"

Jungkook averted his gaze, trying to come up with an excuse to get away from the other male, and failing, because the only reasoning he could think of was either 'I don't want to' or, 'But the coach asked you to do it, not me'.

"Um, this is a little –"

"Dude," the senior – Im Jaebum, if Jungkook wasn't mistaken – cuts off, "All you gotta do is put these soccer balls back into the basket and lock the doors – it's not a big deal. I'd even do it myself, but my girlfriend is waiting for me outside, so just do me a favor, yeah?"

And it's honestly a little bit annoying. One, because Jaebum does not have a girlfriend; what he has was a boyfriend who's loud as fuck and goes by the name Jackson, or something – Jungkook isn't supposed to know, but it's their fault for being loud when they fucked in the locker room. And two, because this had to be –at least –the twentieth time that Jaebum had taken advantage of the fact that he's a senior to make others do what he wants

"Well, okay, I gue –"

"Knew I could count on you, kid. Thanks a bunch!" and with that, he sprinted off the scene, leaving Jungkook with a task that wasn't meant to be his.

For a split second, Jungkook honestly considers dropping the given key and leaving the soccer balls in the hallway because the sport hall is literally located on the other side of the school and it's such a fucking pain in the ass, but he's not one to neglect his duties – well, it wasn't exactly his duties, but it's half-his now – so he put the key in his pocket and picked up the remaining objects.

It took him about eight minutes or so to finally reach the sport hall, and he hurriedly dropped the balls back to the basket once he'd reached it. He was about to quickly turn away and lock the doors – because it's late in the afternoon and he seriously needed to hurry home – when a soft sniffle stopped him in his tracks.

"Shit, who's there?" he asked out of reflex, somewhat afraid now because there'd been tales about how the sport hall is haunted – which is ridiculous, but still horrifying. "Uh, coach?" He tried, "Is that – is that you?"

Jungkook turned on his heels to peek behind the stairs – where the noise is coming from. He isn't sure what he expected to see, he wished it'd turn out to be a rat or something, so he won't have any nightmares in his sleep – that sounded like the best case scenario, right?

"Holy shit," Jungkook couldn't help but to gasp at the sight that greeted him. Honestly, even if this was a dream, he'd still be shocked to his bones. Because that, right there, lying limp on a puddle of blood and breathing harshly against the ground was –

"T– Taehyung?"


This chapter is kinda shitty, I'm sorry :(

But at least I delivered the conflict soooo...... (also, JACKBUM, i bet you didn't see that one coming, did you? ;>)

 (also, JACKBUM, i bet you didn't see that one coming, did you? ;>)

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Just a smol note that you really shouldn't be reading : 

This may feel like a long way to go, but a huge ass revelation will be up at (somewhere near) act 29.

*cough* I've stocked up the drafts, but the update schedule is up to me. Yes I am evil, surprise bitchez. *cough*


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