Chapter 7

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I've made a custom cover for the book if you haven't noticed yet. With that aside, lets get on with the chapter.

Third person pov

The cave was quiet, much more quiet then usual. Robin had gone to stay with Batman for a week and in that time, the cave was peaceful, the only sound was the sound of Artemis training. She had been training every day since Robin announced he was staying with Batman for a week. She didn't like it one bit, her friend, her boyfriend was in Gotham, the city with the villains that want him dead, for a week. She sighed as she stopped training to catch her breath. Grapping a drink from her bottle, she was about to go back when Aqualad interrupted. "Artemis, you have been training for three days with little rest. The team is worried about your health condition" Artemis turned and took a deep breath. "Aqualad, you know what's like when things are rough and right now, my sister is out there, still at large and most likely planning to free my father from prison, off course I'm training, she a threat to the team" Aqualad looked at her before he sat down on a bench. "Your lying Artemis, there's something else bothering, something to do with Robin I suspect" Artemis looks at Aqualad, she isn't happy about this. "What do you think, off course I'm bothered" Aqualad raised one of his eyebrows in interest, Artemis had shown concern but also more. " You worry for him Artemis" Artemis' eyes go wide as she realises her mistake. "You won't tell anyone will you" "No, if you wish for it to be kept secret then I shall respect your privacy, just remember that secrets never stay secret for long and sooner or later the team will find out" Artemis sighs and watches as Aqualad leaves the room. She has another long day of training ahead and wants to get it over with, off course, she wasn't aloud to continue training because as soon as Aqualad walks out. The computer announces the arrival of someone. "Recognised Black Canary 13, Wonder Woman 03, Batman 02" Artemis was interest, if Robin was staying with Batman, then why was Batman here without Robin.

Artemis pov

"Do we tell her" "You know what would happen Batman" "Yes, but the whole team is affected by this news as well" Taking a deep breath, I walk into the main chamber. "Tell me what" Batman and the others freeze as I walk over. They could tell I heard them talking. Black Canary then walks over. "Artemis, this is about Robin, he's been taken by Jade" My sister had taken Robin, how dare she. Batman then continued. "We found Nightwing's mask and belt at the scene. There was blood on the ground, we do not know if Robin is still alive as this was just a few hours ago. But be aware that Robin could very well be dead by now" How dare he say such a thing. "How dare you even suggest such a thing Batman, Robin is too skilled to be dead by now, and if my sister had taken him, then shed want to use him to get me before killing him" Canary shook her head. Batman was right. He might be dead, Jade cared for me but the job always meant more then family at time and in this case, the job may mean more then family. Turning around, I rush to my room. Tears about to fall. Robin can't be dead, he can't be.

Wonder Woman pov

I watched as Artemis run to her room. Looking at Bruce and Dinah, I walk forward and speak. "I'll go speak to her, she needs someone right now, in the meantime, brief the team of what has happened. When Artemis is ready, the team will get their mission" With a nod from both. I head down to Artemis's room. Knocking on the door, I hear a muffled voice. Entering the room, Artemis was on her bed, tears in her eyes, she had feelings for Robin, I could tell. "Artemis, I can tell you have feelings for Robin" Artemis looks up before looking back down. I walk over and sit down next to her. Taking a deep breath, I have to word what I'm about to say right least Artemis becomes sadder. "Artemis, I know what's like to loose someone close to me. I remember a young man from world war two. We had fallen in love and he sacrificed himself to save millions. I cut my self off for years till I then Batman" Artemis was interested by now, she knew what it was like, just like I did. "I slowly opened back up and when the league formed, I was there, it's why we are here, to help those who need help and to stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves and right now Robin needs you, he needs you and the team to find him help him" I watched as Artemis wiped the tears from her eyes and stood up tall. "I'm going to Gotham" Smiling, we walk out to the rest of the team where Aqualad and the others look over. Stopping, I pass Artemis a device and whisper something into her eye. She nods and then walks forward into the zeta tube. "Recognised Aqualad B01, Kid Flash B02, Superboy B03, Miss Martian B04, Artemis B06" Bruce walks over and then puts a hand on my shoulder. "What did you give her" "Something to give to summon us when the time was right, you did give Robin his right" Bruce looks off and then holds a hand to his cowl. "I think I hear Gordon calling me, gotta go" "Recognised Batman 02" Canary walks over and stands next to me. "You don't think he gave Robin the device do you" "No, no he didn't, not by the way the walked out when I asked"

Artemis pov

We had arrived in Gotham and had begun our search as a team, we had no idea how bad it might be till we came across Jade or other but till then, I had to stay strong, for Robin and for my mother. As we walked, I could hear Kid Flash and Superboy talking about me and Robin. Looking back, I rolled my eyes and spoke. "I can hear you, you know that right" I listen hear that they had shut up. Perfect, now I can hear for any signs of bad guys coming our way.

We walked for about another hour and a half till we came to a stop, something wasn't right about what we had just walked into. It was almost like. "Sleeping darts!" It was too late, prick. I felt something in the back of my neck. Then everything went dark.

Robin pov

I was in this room. It was higher then usually how a room would be. Above were some seats, and in them was the team. Kevin was standing there. Next to Artemis who was tied to a chair, Jade stood next to the rest of the team, how'd they get them I have no idea but Slade was nowhere to be found. That was until the door opposite me opened and Slade walked out, in his full armour and suit. Shit, I was going to have to fight him now. "Richard, Richard, Richard, you disappoint me, betraying me and joining the heroes, you have lost your mind. You forget that I taught you all you know, I know your fighting style Richard, it's just a matter of time till you die by the blade with honour Grayson" Dammit, I was going to have to fight him and the team, they had inhibitor collars on, no mind link, no Superboy help, no nothing. Dammit, dammit, dammit, what was I going to do, I guess I had no choice but to fight Slade to the death, even then, I was going to die, because once a bounty was placed on your head, then people would hunt you down, no matter what. I could see Artemis attempting to reach for something in her pocket, I had no idea what it was, all I knew was that I had to hold out till she had what she was reaching for.

Slade charged forward, I moved to the side and jumped back as he drew his sword and sliced forward. I don't know how to fight against this, I don't have anything to fight with, unless this is what Slade wants. Dammit, he never intended to play fair, he always knew how to get the better of people and I played right into that. "What's the matter Grayson, don't have the wits fight back or afraid your going to loose because you have no toys to use" Slade dares to taunt me, how dare he, I gave up my old gear and moved on to the Robin gear and then Jade has to ditch it all back at our fighting ground. I move back as Slade slices down again, I fell the metal of the blade slice into my skin a little. I clench my teeth together as I move forward, ready to dodge another strike, I could tell that Slade was starting to enjoy this, I didn't want him to have this kind of satisfaction with me.

Artemis pov

Almost got it. I close my eyes as Robin get cut by Slade. I had almost got the device Wonder Woman gave me. I feel my fingers touch it and then I find the button, pressing it, I hope this thing has a tracking device in it because if not, then it would be useless. I continue to watch as Robin dodges Slade, but at this rate, it seems as if Slade still has plenty left because Robin is starting to tire. Slash, stab, laughter. I look on, eyes wide as I see Robin fall to the floor. I could do nothing but scream. "ROBIN!!!!!" Slade seemed to have a satisfied look but Jade, she didn't seem to enjoy seeing me like this, I had tears in my eyes, she then knew what was wrong here. She stepped forward threw a sleeping dart into the back of Slade before she then ran, Kevin taking off after her. Leaving the rest of us in here alone. I mange to cut the ropes holding me place and jump down to Robin. Holding his head up, I could only think about one thing. Don't be dead, please don't be dead.....

Do you think Robin is dead?

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