Chapter 4

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Robin pov

My alarm rang like hell and all I wanted to do was stay in bed. I was tired yet I knew that Black Canary was coming here to talk with us all. She wanted to do therapy with us, mainly me. Groaning as I got up, I wiped the sleep from my eyes and walked over to my wardrobe. Picking out my uniform, I put it on and walked out of the room. As I headed down to the kitchen, I could hear talk coming from the training room. Kid Flash and Superboy, both still didn't trust me and who could blame them, I mean I had taken them down once and as I was once a mercenary, I knew it would take time for them to trust me. As I entered the kitchen, Artemis was sitting on the green sofa with a cup of tear, walking into the kitchen, I poured my own cup of tear before I sat down. Artemis seemed to notice the tea in my hands and spoke. "I never knew you drank Tea" Looking at her, I smile before I reply. "It helps me wake up. I'm allergic to coffee" Artemis took a sip of her tea before she went back to reading her book. As I sipped my tea, I thought about what Deathstroke was planning now and how he would deal with. But I had other things to think about today apart from that. Black Canary was coming over soon and I needed to be ready to talk. I mean, I was going to be talking about my parents and their death, reliving it all over again and that was something I didn't want to do again. As I took another sip, I watched as Kid Flash entered and stared at me. He was clearly telling me to get away from Artemis and leave, but I was here to stay and he knew that, no matter what he attempted, I wasn't going to leave. As I finished my tea, I got up and placed it down next to the sink before heading out. I had a lot to think about and I found the best way to think about that stuff was to train.

Joker pov

"Harley, I'm back and we have a boy blunder to kill" The reply came back in her usual voice. "Fantastic Mr J, but how are we going to draw him out" "I already have a plan for that" Giving a crackle of laughter. I plan to draw out Artemis. The one hero who he would do anything for. "Harley, we're going archer shopping. Prepare a ambush for her, I'm going to make sure that the bats distracted tonight while you set the plan in motion" "Alrighty Mr J"

Robin pov

"Recognised Black Canary 13" And she was here. The time had come to talk. Hearing the footsteps come close, I looked towards the door to find she was standing there, waiting for our therapy session. Stopping punching the training dummy, I wiped the sweet of my forehead and followed her to a room. With her closing the door behind us. She sat down and I followed suit. "Robin, tell me, what led you to joining up with Deathstroke?" Sighing, I began the story.

Artemis pov

"Your mission is to find out what Clayface wants, I'll be away on League business in Tokyo so if you need help, Black Canary and Red Tornado will be on hand to help, so will Robin who will be here with Black Canary for the mission" "Understood Batman" Turning a looking towards the hallway that Robin was down, I sighed and followed the team into the zeta tube. "Recognised Aqualad B01, Kid Flash B02, Superboy B03, Miss Martian B04, Artemis B06, Batman 02"

We arrived at Gotham and made our way towards the fun fair, why Clayface would be there was anyone's guess but to me, something was off about the mission, almost like it was fake. Set up to draw us out. "Team, Kid Flash and I will head in that direction, Miss Martian and Superboy will take that way, Artemis, head down that way, if you find anything out of place, contact the team and report back here" Nodding, I started my way down he pier, this place was ancient, almost like it was hit by several tidal waves not that it didn't happen, it had and that was why I felt something was off, why would Clayface choose a location so close to the ocean. Rounding a corner to a warehouse, I spy several barrels with a sign on them. Bending down and reading the sign. Joker toxin. Gasping in realisation, I turn on my comm and turn as I begin to speak. "Aqualad, I've found barrels full of Joke..." Everything went black.

Aqualad pov

"Aqualad, I've found barrels full of Joke..." The comm was silent, static was coming from it so it was still on. "Artemis, come in, Artemis, Team, we have a situation, Artemis is not responding" Turning to face Kid Flash, I nod and he runs. Beginning to make my way over to her last known location, we discover her comm and bow on the ground. "This isn't good, Team, Artemis has been captured by The Joker"

Artemis pov

I groan as I open my eyes, where was I, I could see a faint light and two faces. It all came back to me as I remembered what I had found and what had hit me while contacting Aqualad. Seeing Joker and Harley Quinn looking over me, I close my eyes, hoping this was a dream. But the reality hit me, it wasn't a dream and I was truly in the hands of the two worst people in Gotham City. I could only hope that the team discovered my location came fast. But Batman would be needed. "Artemis, Artemis, what a good catch Harley, now we can draw in the Boy Blunder and do Deathstroke's dirty work for him as he has payed us to do so" Deathstroke, no, this was a set up, they want to use me as bait to draw out Robin.

Robin pov

I was waiting the teams return. They had gone on a mission while was in therapy with Black Canary. "Recognised Aqualad B01, Kid Flash B02, Superboy B03, Miss Martian B04" Artemis was not with them. Black Canary walked over with Red Tornado. Something was wrong. stepping forward, I spoke "Where's Artemis" When the team didn't respond, I raised my voice "WHERES ARTEMIS" It was then that Kid Flash walked forward and spoke. "She was taken" "Taken by who" The team flinched before they then looked away as the spoke "Joker" Cursing under my breath. I turn to face the computer which happened to have an incoming call form Joker at that moment. Answering it. Joker gave a crackle of laughter before he then looked at us all. "Hello, is this thing on" Joker laughed before he continued. "Of course it is, who would I be if I didn't know how to operate this thing" Stepping forward, I then speak. "Where's Artemis" Joker seems to laugh before he looks to the side and back. "Oh, you mean you archer friend, why she's safe and sound with us for now. But if you Boy Blunder, don't show up at Gotham Cathedral by midnight, little miss Artemis here will be no more" Laughing again, Joker then ends the call. I was enraged. Turning to face the zeta tube, I walk over to it before I then drop my comm on the floor, making sure no on saw me do it and entered. "Recognised Robin B07"

Black Canary pov

We need to stop him. "Robin, come in Robin" "Robin, come in Robin" The words echoed around. Dammit it, he ditched his comm without noticing and by now it would be too late to stop him on the other side of the zeta tube so we had to go after him. "Team, I'm going to get Robin and Artemis back with Red Tornado, you will come with and ensure that they are brought back here safely" The nodded in response and we enter the zeta tube, ready to save both Robin and Artemis from the Joker...

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