Chapter 2

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Third person pov

The sky of Gotham was dark that evening. Robin had come to gather his stuff and had come along with help from Artemis. Reaching the open window of Robin's old room. They snuck in and started to gather stuff up before a sound was heard. Cursing under his breath. Robin turned to Artemis. "We need to go now, they're back" Artemis acknowledged with a nod before the two grabbed the bags and climbed out the window. Going up the roof. They heard Slade mutter something before they started making their way across to the zeta tube. Seeing Batman taking out criminals along the way and running over Artemis' home without knowing before the two landed in front of the zeta tube. With Artemis walking in first, Robin then followed suit. "Recognised Artemis B06, Robin B07"

"Recognised Artemis B06, Robin B07" Walking out of the zeta tube, the two stopped before looking around and heading to Robins room with the bags. Upon entering the room, They set the stuff down before Artemis gave a small smile and left. Not long after, Aqualad came into the room. Robin was placing stuff around the room, making it feel like home before he acknowledged Aqualads' presence. "Can I help you Aqualad" Aqualad took in a deep breath before he then walked over and stopped. "The team is warry of you Robin, We do not know if we can trust you, but perhaps the next mission will prove us wrong. If Artemis is willing to trust you, then so am I, but only if I have your word that your not here to spy on us or take us down" Robin stopped unpacking his things before he stood up and looked over his shoulder. "If I was here to take you guys down, you'd already know because the League would be here to find you, besides, you would've all been back in action soon anyway as I don't kill my victims, I made look like it so that Slade didn't question me" Robin sighed before continuing "But I trust you all, and that was without a mission" Aqualad then nodded before he spoke. "And how long have you known Artemis for and why you two are best friends because Kid Flash has attempted to flirt with Artemis to no avail" Robin again sighed before he took a deep breath. "I've known her since I had begun my career with Slade and my adoptive brother Ultimus. We met when I was looking for an unstable power source for my suit when I approached Sports master for help. We flirted, we became best friends, and then after a few more missions with them, She vanished, at first I suspected Sports master had something to do with it but nine days ago was when I discovered he didn't, nor did her sister. As for Kid Flashs' failed attempts at flirting, bad luck for him because I had already flirted with Artemis enough that we have feelings for each other. Speaking of which, what do the others think about me" Aqualad looked around the room, some of the walls bland and waiting for decoration before he then sighed. "Superboys' having trouble trusting you, Miss Martian accidently read your mind and trusts you, Kid Flash seems to hold a grudge against you with the whole Artemis thing, Artemis trusts you and I, well if Artemis and Miss Martian trust you, then so do I. But believe me, in time Superboy and Kid Flash will trust you much like they did when Artemis joined the team" Robin nods before he goes back to unpacking his things. "Should I be on the look out for Superboy and Kid Flash, because I know how to deal with them if they attempt to take me down" Aqualad smiled before he went to leave the room. "No, but I do believe that we have both learnt something from this talk, I will leave you to organise you things, Black Canary will be here for training soon, so meet us out in the main chamber in about half an hour" Robin nods before the door closes. Looking at his clock, he places at the bedside table before he then takes out his old flying Graysons suit. Memories flooding back to him.

Rattle, snap, falling to their death before his eyes, Richard watched them. Tears forming. The crowd showing no care for the chid that just watched his parents die and rushing straight to them. Richard bore witness to the deaths of the thugs who did it. Slade had done it. Kevin had attempted to push him over the edge, but Richard, he refused to kill...

Robin looked at his clock. Ten minutes till he had to be in the chamber, placing his suit on the bed he wiped the tears from his eyes before he looked back the suit. Turning to face the door. He made a mental note to return to organising his room when training was finished.

Walking out into the main chamber, most of the team was already there. Artemis was talking with Miss Martian when he arrived, both Superboy and Kid Flash giving him looks while Aqualad gave them a glare. Both stopping when they noticed him. "Recognised Black Canary 13" "Welcome to todays training session, I trust your all ready. But I want to see what your newest member can do first hand, Superboy, Robin, step forward and be ready to fight, No powers. Robin smiled as he steeped forward and stood ready for battle. Superboy opposite him. As Canary watched over them, she notice the death glare that Superboy was giving Robin but trusted that if what Batman told her was true, then it wouldn't be a problem. "Begin" Robin stayed still as Superboy charged forward. Robin waiting for the right time, as Superboy came to punch, Robin sidestepped before he smirked and gave a punch of his own. Superboy almost lost his balance but turned to attempt another punch only to be met with the same result. Robin was good. Black Canary could tell that, it was almost like he had studied the team and their moves. Superboy came forward but was met with a jump and a kick from behind as he fell forward and hit the ground. An X marking the spot where he fell. Black Canary was impressed, the team was in awe. Robin, a human, had just taken out Superboy. "Impressive, now let's see how well you do against me" Black Canary stood onto the field before taking position, Robin doing the same. He hadn't studied her yet so this would be new for him, but he was ready to take her down. He just to had to study her every move while not being taken down. Black Canary waved her hand but Robin stood still. "You first" Black Canary smiled before she ran forward, bending down to swipe out his legs. Robin jumped and landed behind her and dodging another attempt at getting him off balance. Robin then came back with his own attack, swinging his legs under Black Canary before he then came up and sent an uppercut to her chin. Black Canary stepped back before Robin then jumped and landed before her, swiping out her legs while she was distracted. Another X marked where she had fallen in defeat. Robin held his hand out to her as he helped her up. "You are good, and I take it you attempted to study me while in combat. What mistakes did he make team" Artemis was quick to answer, already knowing the answer. "He relies on his opponent to strike first" "Very good, anything else" "No, nothing else apart form the fact that he knows his combat styles well" Robin chuckled before he replied. "I know almost all of them, thanks to Slade I know quite a few. Well, in order to combat you all I had to study you too, so it wasn't easy, if I hadn't studied you guys, then I might not have been able to take you guys down nine days ago" Robin smiled as he stepped back, Black Canary was now going to train with the others. He watched them fight, each and every one of them, each one learning something new each time. He was learning their styles at the same time, each time one was knocked down, he gave out some helpful advice, something that Aqualad started to use and in no time he was able to last longer against Black Canary, so was Artemis and Miss Martian, Kid Flash and Superboy, the only two who had refused to acknowledge his advice, didn't last as long. Robin smiled, this was the life he had dreamed about for so long, and now, now it was all his. But he knew he would have to fight Deathstroke and Ultimus, they would find out about his betrayal one way or another and when they did, they would be after him, but he would be ready because the team was learning from his advice and that helped them fight better...

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