Chapter 5

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Third person pov

Joker smiled as he watched Robin approach on the cameras. His plan was going well so far. And as a bonus, he got to play with Sportsmaster. Sportsmaster knew Joker had Artemis but with how unpredictable Joker could be, Sportsmaster had not found the time or the courage to get her. As Robin threw a birdarang at the camera, Joker broke a small chuckle. "You've got some fight in you Boy Blunder, but how long will it last when your dying" Joker stood up, he had to be ready to ambush and kill Robin.

Robin pov

I had to get Artemis back. And Joker, he was unpredictable, she could be anywhere and I know that I'm walking into his game, but when he dares to take something close to me, then I'll do anything to get that back safely. Looking around the corner, I saw no one but a lone door. The sign above it telling me exactly what room it was. It was the room that Artemis was being held in. Getting up and sneaking over to it. I peeked in the window and saw that Artemis was indeed there. As I opened the door, a loud creak echoed throughout the building. Not that it mattered anyway, he already knew I was here from the cameras. Walking in, I broke into a run and kneeled down before Artemis. Taking of the tap over her mouth, I speak "Are you hurt, are you ok?" Artemis then yelled out. But it was too late, bang. I felt something hit my stomach. Looking down, I see blood rushing out and then laughter, not humorous laughter but that of a crazed madman. Then I hear an enraged scream from behind, Kid Flash rushed over and untied Artemis before she then helped support me. I was in pain, but I was also in shock. I had walked right into that, why had I not seen it coming. Looking up, my vision starts to get blurry and the darkness closing in. The last thing I see is Artemis running with me to the zeta tube. Kid Flash next to her with Superboy alongside.

Darkness, it was all I could see, something was up. I remember Slade, and my parents dying, and Kevin, then I remember what had happened. I hear voices. Some scared, others upset, but the one voice I hear the most is a female one, it sounded familiar, almost like it belonged to... Artemis. She was in pain, the whole team was in pain, I could feel and I could do nothing about it. I tried to open my eyes and failed. I was stuck in this deep sleep. I could here another voice, it was new, it was Batman. He was asking what happened. The I heard Artemis being escorted out of the room by someone. I wanted to open my eyes so bad, tell them that everything was ok, that I was fine, but I couldn't, almost like something was keeping me from doing it. But I could also see a bright, it was bright and a figure stood there, not one but three figures. I could hear voices coming from the light but I couldn't make it out, what was it, who were they and what did they want with me.

Artemis pov

3 hours after Robin was shot.

It had been three hours since Joker shot Robin. I had yelled out to him but he failed to understand in time. He had been in the medical room for three hours now, and I felt that somehow it was all my fault. When we were finally aloud in, Black Canary looked over, sadness in her eyes. "How bad is Black Canary" I hoped Robin was fine, I loved him and I needed him now more then ever, but judging by what Black Canary was expressing, what she was going to say wasn't going to be good. "Robin has suffered a close hit to his stomach, we were able to remove the bullet in time but he, we don't know if he's going to wake up, he may be in this permanent sleep for ever, Martian Manhunter is on his way with Batman to see if he can bring Robin back to us" That was all I need to hear. Robin was most likely gone forever now. And it was all Jokers fault that he's like this, why did I get caught. This is my fault, I was the one who was captured and need rescuing but Joker was the one who fired the gun. Walking over and looking at his unconscious body, I broke down, I couldn't hold it in any longer, Robin was like this because of me. "Recognised Batman 02, Martian Manhunter 07" I heard running and then Batman spoke, he asked what happened, Black Canary came over and whispered something in my ear. I nodded and we walked out. We headed to my room where I then sat down on my bed. "I understand you have feelings for Robin, you've had them since you first met him when training under your father but you need to understand that this isn't your fault" I was sill in tears when I replied. "It is my fault, I was the ne who needed rescuing, I was the one who failed to warn him in time, I'm responsible for his condition" Black Canary offered a comforting pat on my back. "It's not your fault, Batman, the team, and even Robin knows that it wouldn't be your fault" I was still upset that Robin was like this, he would never be the same again, never. "Robin won't be the same, he'll be different, what if he leaves the team because he thinks he's the reason we get hurt, because Deathstroke wants to get to him and end his life" Black Canary just closes her eyes before Batman walks in. "I may not understand feelings, but Robin is awake and sleeping, he'll need time to rest. In the meantime, Manhunter discovered something about Robin that we may want to look over Canary, your coming too Artemis" With a nod, I get up and follow the group. The team, except Robin were in the main chamber when I walked in with Batman and Black Canary. "Team, Robin is going to be fine, but I suggest that you let him rest. Kid Flash and Superboy, you can stop pretending to mistrust him, it will only serve to worsen you team bonds" "Ok, but why are you going with Artemis" "Artemis is coming with us because what we're about to be talking about is not to be shared with all of you" We walked into the zeta tube and Batman programmed the location in before the tube activated. "Recognised Batman 02, Black Canary 13, Martian Manhunter 07, Artemis B06"

We walked out in the Batcave. Batman walked over to the computer and then sat down. The rest of us standing around. "Manhunter, explain what you discovered" "Yes Batman, when I was helping Robin out, I discovered that the thugs who killed Robins parents were affiliated with the League of Shadows, most importantly that they bore the training of Sportsmaster" No, it was impossible, my father said that he had commissioned the deaths of two circus people but I never imagined that they would have a child. "That is worrying news indeed, and no doubt Sportsmaster has already picked up on this and will no doubt attempt to execute Robin to finish the job and wipe out his family line" It's impossible, I was training with my father too then, meaning that my father had a grudge against him. "Artemis, do you have anything to say about this" "No, yes, kinda, I knew my father wanted these two circus people dead but I never imagined they would be parents. I feel as if I now have a greater burden of shame on my shoulders then I did before" "That is nothing to be ashamed off Artemis, you had no idea what your father wanted then, but what has happened has happened" Batman nodded and Manhunter spoke up. "We want you to be the one who tells Robin this news, he will trust you more then any off us and will serve to give you two both a purpose in the team, to bring the true killer of Robins parents to justice" I was in shock. "But what if he thinks I could've done something to stop that from happening" "He won't, I know Robin well, he's too bent on honouring his parents to blame others, he knows that they were famed and people would be after them" Sighing, I knew this was one battle I couldn't win, but then again, I knew that the Graysons were the two that my father wanted dead, meaning that Robin was flying Grayson. But what was his first name. "So if Robin is a flying Grayson, what's his first name" The three were silent, and then Manhunter spoke up. "He was named Richard but he had been contemplating on the team calling him Dick for short instead, meaning that he leaves behind another part of his past, the part of being praised by Deathstroke" With a nod. Black Canary walks me back to the cave. I had been to the Batcave and it was as expected, a place filled with bats.

"Recognised Black Canary 13, Artemis B06" I was going to have to tell Robin what I now knew. And I hoped he was understanding, not only that but I was hoping to finally tell him my feelings...

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