Chapter 27

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I lept up and began to fly, "Woah... this is easier thwn I thought" I mumbled. I was then tackled by an assassin who had jumped off a plane and landed on me, we then began to fall.

I screamed and span so I would land on the assassin. I landed on them with a crunch, so I'm assuming that they were dead. Then two assasins lept onto me, then another.

"Get. Off. Of. Me!" I yelled, then felt something stab my leg. I screamed then an assasin screamed, then the others and they all fell limp on me, "Ugh" I mumbled and saw Robin and KF in battle, I threw them off me.

I then saw Kid Flash being tackled down, "KF!" I yelled and flew over, my hair now red with streaks of yellow and green.

My leg really hurt but I didn't care, I needed to help Wally. I landed and smacked my foot on the ground, ribbons of Red, yellow and green appeared and formed in front of me, slowly forming and growing up. I flew up, bright green, yellow and red lights shone, the figure formed into a huge Starling, only its beak was extremely pointed, spikes outlined the eyes and ran across the back, it's huge wings, laced with colours like my hair, its eyes were the same. Huge iron hard tallons and large strong feathers. Large spiked sat on its head pointing backwards and I smirked slightly, its feathers sparkled and began to change more red. I smacked my hands together and screamed. The bird did the same, huge ribbons shot from the ground, grabbing each assasin that was attacking Wally and dragging them towards me, the bird flew up and let out a loud screech, my cloack and hair floated up and I yelled "LET. HIM. GO!" The assasins were slammed to the ground, I swioed my hand and looked at Wally who looked at me slightly worried. The assasins here were out cold and I flew down to Wally, "Your bleeding" he said.

"Yeah... I should sort that out" I said, looking up to watch the bird I 'created' rip into singular ribbons and flow back to the ground.

"Wait... Where's Robin?" I asked looking around. Him and the other assasins were gone.

"They took Dick" I whispered in disbelief. KFs eyes widedned, "We need to get him back" I said.


"I don't know"

"We should ask the te-"

"No, I'm going to find him now, we can't tell anybody, I need to get him back and I don't need the team worrying, let alone Batman."

"I'm coming"

"No, you need to tell Bruce that myself and Dick are sleeping round yours, telk Barry aswell, tell him not to tell Bruce, then find me, I'm going to see if I can track him" I said floating up.


KF then zoomed off, I was alone now, great.

I flew up and made my way across the beach and into the city, he couldn't have gone far.

I flew down the road as fast as I could then saw a black 'police' van. That is totally a, police van. I growled and sped up, they saw me and pointed large guns out the windows then fired my hair glowed a firer red and I claped my hands, a bright red shield formed around me, I then had an idea, the red sheild formed together into a snake. It's huge mouth opened and it attacked the van, the back door swang open and I caught a glimpse of Robin tied up with piano wire unconscious.

"ROBIN!" I yelled speeding up, then a dart hit my shoulder. I slowed down, suddenly feeling dizzy. the van drove off, I landed and felt worse, then I saw a car coming towards me, "Shiyte" I mumbled then it hit me.


I awoke in a hospital. Urm nope I thought, I ain't staying in here, my brother needs me! I looked at my arm in a cast, I healed it (didn't know I could do that) then teloported out.

I just had to find Dick. I flew around then realised I was in a hospital gown... that's just... not right... I braught my hands up, blinding colours flew around me and soon I was in my costume. I brought up my gauntlet computer and lookedat the screen... there were three places he could be and my bet was on a abandoned asylum...

AN. XD okay, I hope you liked it, please vote and comment :)

A Bat and two birds (YJ Lost bird ff book 2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن