Chapter 26

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Sky pov

I grinned and focused my magic, yeah yeah, I remember what Bruce said. Soon my suit turned into civvies, glasses and all. I smiled and walked out my room. Dick came up to me, "Hey Skylar" he grinned.

"Richard" I nodded and formed a portal and gestured him to go in

"Ladys first" he smiled. I rolled my eyes and walked in, he followed after putting on his glasses. We then came out the portal to Wally who was happily on guitar hero 5.

Me and Dick fell out infront of him. We stood up and grinned at the ginger speedster clicking the keys at full speed on Hard mode. I rolled my eyes and whispered "Think I should go?" to Dick. He nodded. I grabbed another 'guitar' and waited for Wally to finish.

"So, why you guys here?"

"To see you" I smiled.

"Fair enough" he smirked. "So babe, how's it going?"

"I give up" Dick mumbled.

"Oh Dick, don't give up, I still need you to protect me!" I said falling back to land on the sofa. Wally smirked and we took off our glasses. "Your hair is purple again" he chuckled, I sighed "And your eyes" he added.

"Do they look bad?"

"No, not at all" he said. "They actually suit you" he smiled.

"Thanks" I grinned and they began to go pink.

"Cool" he smiled and Dick grinned, "I still have no idea how that works" he mumbled.

"Me neither, aw man everyone at school will see, then linking me to Starli g will be easy!" I sighed.

"Skylar, don't worry, Bruce has got it covered" Dick chuckled.

"Okay... how am I going to control my powers at school?"

"Keep calm and don't try to use your powers"

"The wise words of Dick Grayson everybody" I said earning a chuckle from Wally.

I grinned and stood up, "So Wallman, you wanna come with me and Dick?"

"Where you going?"

"Where are we going?" Dick asked.

"Anywhere, I just want to get out" I said happily.

"Okay, sure" he smiled.

"Kay, hey Wally, do you mind being telleported?"

"She's not the best at landing" Dick warned.

"Dick, ive only been teleporting for a few hours, give me a break" I whined.

"You know, this is dangerous, Bruce wouldn't approve..."

"He did... sorta..." I mumbled opening a portal.

"Not really, but he said you could use your powers when im here so this one time you can"

"You'll say that next time".I chuckled, Dick rolled his eyes "Whatever"

I smiled and began to walk to the portal. "UNCLE BARRY, IM GOING OUT, ILL BE BACK AT AROUND NINE ISH!" Wally yelled, I grinned and put on my glasses.

I went first and the boys soon followed after Barry yelled back "OKAY KID, BE SAFE!"

We walked through the portal and came out onto a beach, ofcourse we all landed on eachother, and obviously it be at the bottom of the pile "AGH" I yelped as I tried to move. "Wally get off of me!" Dick yelped.

"Agh" I said then thought hard, then Dick fell through me wally landing on top, "The hell" I mumbled.

"Sky, where'd you go?!?"

"OH CHEESE STICKS IM INVISIBLE!" I yelled and Dick looked at where I was. "This is so cool" I grinned then torned back to visible, I then kep switching between the two.

"Visible, invisible, visible, invisible, here, not here, non transparent, transparent, now you see me, now you don't" I said switching beteween the two.

"Starling cut it out!" Dick said. "YES SIR!" I said turning visible. "Star, wanna race?" KF asked, I shrugged,

"Sure" I smiled then looked at Dick, "You joining?"

"Urm, I'm sorry to break it to ya but he's the fastest boy alive, you have powers and I'm... me..."

"Aww Dickie, don't be like that" I frowned then smirked. "Hold on Dickie bird" KF snickered at the name and I rolled my eyes. "Not now KF" I said then focused my power on Robin. He levitated.

"YES! DID IT, Kay KF, you ready?" I asked still holding robin in the air, I soon levitated next to him. "Ready" he grinned speeding off, I grabbed Robins hand and followed KF. Robin held on tightly, I chuckled then made a portal and telleported to the finish line.

"HA, beat you both!"

"Whatever" I muttered smiling. "Hey, Star, what else can you do?"

"urm... I dunno" then there wasa chuckle and a sword flew towards us, I made it stop in mid air, yellow energy sodrounding it,

"Oh look, the mids are alone" A voice chuckled then an assassin lept out, and another, and another.

"Were surrounded" I muttered

"Yeah, just fight them off"

"They'll win"

"I pressed a button on my belt allerting Batmanfor backup, He'll be here soon, just hold them off"

"Dude, were so dead"

"Not now KF" I said then our whisper convocation was over. Then the assassins attacked. All. At. Once.

AN. sorry for the wait, I was just busy with school and stuff... Hope you liked it and thanks for reading :D

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