Chapter 17

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AN. Quick thing, if anybody is writing a young justice book or any book based aaround robin, comment and I shall read it. I need to read more robin books, I will also read teen titan fan fictions and young justice ones aswell. x

Sky pov

"Now go, you'll be going to london, there is a block of flats, we'll sent you the coordinates" Batman said. I nodded and followed the team into the bio ship. "Woah" I said in amazement.

"haha, yeah, pretty cool huh?" Robin said.

"yeah" I smiled back, then looked at Kid Flash. He looked back at me and I blushed slightly- wait, what? Did I just blush? What the hell.

"hey babe"

"Hey KF" I sighed watching him get a glare from Robin.

"KF! Stop hitting on my sister! "

"DUDE!" Wally huffed. I smirked at the two and looked at Miss Martian. "Setting off, reciving coordinates from Batman now" she smiled. I grinned.

"So, Robin, whos the leader?" I asked.

"Aqualad" he smiled. I nodded in thanks then turned to aqualad.

"Hey, Aaualad?"

"Yes?" he smiled slightly.

"Whats the plan?"

"You, Kid Flash and Robin go inside, you look around the top of the flats, miss martian and Artemis are taming the middle section and Superboy and I shall take the bottom"

"Okay, how many floors are there? "

"6" he smiled.

"Thankyou" I smiled. He nodded and I turned to face the front. After a while, we were finially at out destination. "Miss M, link us up" Aqualad commanded, soon I was hearing voices on my head.

We got out the ship and ran into the flat, soon as me, KF and Robin were on the top floor I spoke up, "Wally, any info you find give it to me and Robin-"

"Why?" asked wally.

"Its complicated" Robin sighed. "We'll explain when we get back" we walked down halls, Kid flash was about to run down a long hall but I grabbed his wrist as I suddenly stopped, Robin, who was behind me, walked into my back and they both sent me questioning glanses, I rolled my eyes and rolled a smoke bomb down the dark hall, the smoke activated lazers which were now clear. "This place is booby trapped" I sighed, "Guys, watch out, this place has trapps, tread carefully" Robin warned the others. I took a few steps back and studdied the lazers, "okay, this could be hard..." I mumbled.

"Star?" Robin asked.

"Three" I whispered.

"Starling?" Robin repeated

"Two-o" I slightly sung.

"Star wha-"

"One!" I ran and front flipped, din a front hand spring, flung myself at the wall then sprung off it into a douple flip, I then dropped and rolled under another lazer and lept up into a cartwheel, one more handspring and I was out. I sighed sitting on the other side, "okay boys, hold on the- oh crud" I muttered as a ninja lept down, only this one wasn't like the others, this one looked more like an assassin.

This person wouldn't hesitate to kill me aslong as my brother is alive. I ducked from a sword being amed to decapitate me then swooped my legs under theirs bringing them down with me. "STARLING!" Robin yelled. I rolled out of the way of the sword being aimed to stab me, it embedded itself into the wooden floor. I yelped and backrolled away then went into a back handspring putting space between me and the assassin.

A Bat and two birds (YJ Lost bird ff book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora