Chapter 19

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Once in the cave, I decided to take control,  "Okay, were going to the circus" I said.

"No were not, Sky, Dick, we all know what that place will do to you, you can't take it! Besides, it cleerly states both coices comes with a price to pay, this could just be another way to kidnap you, your both putting yourselves in huge danger if you go!" Wally said growing slightly angry.

"Wally, we have to go, we have no choice, innocent people could be killed Wally. I'm not having that happen" Dick growled.

"Dude, you'll get yourself killed!"

"Wally, were going, im sorry but Haley needs us"

Wally glared at us, "Fine, but I'm coming with you"

"Fine with us" Dick shrugged, I nodded at Wally and smiled slightly, he half smiled back.

"Right, we going to mount justice now?"

"Yeah, let's go" Robin grinned. I pulled up my hood, Wally pulled up hiscowl and Robin just fixed his mask on better. We then went into the cave.

Once in I walked to Miss Martian who was making something in the kitchen area. "Hello Megan, need any help?"

"Yes please Starling" she smiled.

"Cool, what you making?"

"Cookies" she smiled

"Awsome!" I grinned andhelped her put the batter onto the tray thing.

3rd person pov

Robin and Kidflash walked to Aqualad whilst Starling helped Megan. "Hey, Aqualad? There have been some problems a a circus known as haleys circus, people have been threatened and we need to interfere. We can help them"

"Okay, we set of in a hour-"

"Aqualad, we may need disguises, or we'll be recognised"

******at the circus******

We to the circus, all wearing our costumes. We had white outfits with orange swirls on. I frowned slightly at the sight of the big top, this was going to be hard.

AN. okay, im sorry for the late chapters! if you have any young justice, Robin or batman related books, please say and ill read them.

A Bat and two birds (YJ Lost bird ff book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora