Chapter 16

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I didnt get it. We were not telling the league... because it wasn't the leagues problem even tough its putting the league at a big risk...

"Dick? You sure we shouldn't tell them?" I asked.

Dick POV

"Course im sure" I said, then I grew unsure ofmyself remembering last time Batman hadn't told the league about me being kidnapped. I could have died from that desision. What if Bruce gets kidnapped? Could we take that risk? What if Sky is kidnapped? Would she suffer what I did? Would she be easier for them to snap? She was quite tough though. I don't know anymore, after everything that's gone on I really don't know.

"Sky, should we tell them?"

"We'd be protected, over protected, it wouldn't be nice, we should tell someone though, maybe Wally?" she suggested. I concidered it for a moment.

"Fine, call Wally and tell him to come round tomorrow" I huffed.

"Kay" she grinned then called up Wallys number. "Hey Wally? ... yeah... yeah me and birdy are buddies again" she chuckled referring to me. "Hahaha, yeah, ... yeah were fine... yup... oh, right I called to ask if you could come round to me and Richard, we need to tell you something... yeah were fine, ish... yeah... okay... Hey Dick what time?"

"About 12" I smiled.

"Kay, about 12 Wally" she grinned.

"Oh, and tell him he can sleep over"

"You can sleep over" she smirked "Okay see you later" then she hung up.

"So, Sky, what do you want to do?"

"I dunno what do you wanna do?"

"I dunno what do you wanna do?" I grinned.

"I dunnoooooo what do yow wanna dooooooo?" She asked.

"I dunno..."

"I dunno either... I know!"


"Lets go somewhere? "


"Dude, were superheroes, lets go save someone, beat up some bad guy or just go out!"

"Okay" I shrugged and we left my room. Since we were still in our costumes we just put on our masks and she pulled up my hood then we went to the cave. We went to the zeta beams and zetad to the mountain.

"Starling, Robin, great timing. We were about to call you, we have a mission"

"Cool" she smiled "What is it?"

"... are you two still madat each other? " Artemis asked.

"Nope" I smiled.

"Good, that will make the mission much more easier" Aqualad smiled.

"So... whats the mission?"

"A simple one, observe and report. We know Cadmus are planning something big"

I flashed Star a worried look, we really didn't want to be locked up, yes it would be protection but also horrible. "And we know it could be putting the league and possibly world at stake" I really hope he doesn't know...

"But we are unsure how, so we are sending you out on a observe and report mission. Dont get caught and Don't blow anything up. Especially the building" he added.

I smirked and passed Sky a look. We could 'accidently' blow up the building. But is it worth it?

AN. okay, I made this chapter short because I need a few favours of you all.

Please help me, okay basically, I wanted to know what do you think they should do? Comment this please.

Also, I want to continue with the detailed version, if I did, would you read it? I know two people are but I wanted to know if anyone else will or is.

A Bat and two birds (YJ Lost bird ff book 2)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu