Chapter 8

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Sky pov

Monday soon came around, I woke up, got into uniform and had breakfast. Then we got into the car and were dropped off at school, my wound was healed and no longer hurt. Dick had been on patrol the last two nights so im exited for tomorrow when im allowed out on patrol with him. He said that on Wednesday, if I faught well and he thaught I was ready, he'd take me to meet the team and see if I could get on.

Maths- boring

English- ok

Break- interesting, Artemis and I became good friends, Babara aswell.

Maths again- music, I sneakily listended to my music on my phone. luckily the earphones were black so they blended in well with my hair.

Science- Urm... lets just say it was very entertaining when someone got the experiment wrong. I was working with a girl called Ellie, we couldn't stop laughing.

Lunch- Dick 'felt sick' so he had to go home. So I spent lunch with Artemis and Barbara, it was cool.

Art- great.

After school I went to meet Alfred, when we got home Bruce and Dick were still out. I went on kingdom hearts, had dinner, kingdom hearts then bed.

Morning came, breakfast, school, home PATROL!!!

I ran to my room and threw on my suit then ran to the batcave. "Hi" I smiled fixing my mask on, pulling up my hood and messing and with the knifes.

"Hey Sky, look, you can't really keep the knives as wepons due to this no kill rule bats set, so I got you this" Robin smiled handing me a purple utility belt with black stripes on each of its pockets and a black button on each aswell. "Cool! Thanks Dick" I smiled hugging him.

"No problem" he laughed as I removed my make do utility belt and clipped on my new one.

"Suits you" he grinned. "Now come on, were using the zeta beamsto getto gotham" he grinned.

"Zeta beams?" I asked.

"They teleport you places" he grinned.

"Cool!" I grinned back as I was scanned and added to the system. Robin went first Robin B01 a voice said and he dissapeared.

Starling A01. I came out at an alley way.

"Why are you B01but im A01?" I asked.

"Your not a young justice or justice league member... yet" he said calmly then led me down the alley and onto some roofs, "So, what are we doing?"

"We, my friend, are looking for traces of Cadmus so we can put an end to this" he said. I giggled at his tone of voice then grew serious.

"Does B-man know?" I asked.

"Nope" Robin said popping the P.

I nodded "Okay, im only coming so you don't get your but kicked" I smirked.

"Yoo hoo, Robin the boy wonder here!" he said smirking.

"Yeah well" I huffed as we began to run, there was then a laugh. And the clown prince ofcrime himself stepped out.

"Hello bird boy, and you braught a friend!"

Robin gritted his teeth "Joker" he spat. I clenched my fists.

"Come on birdy, let's fight"

"Not today Joker" I hissedthrowing ice bombs at his feet.

"Hmm, I recognise that voice, he said. "No you don't" I spat round house kicking his head knocking him clean out.

"Wow..." Robin said. I nodded, "I may take you to the team now, follow me, they should be there" he said leading me to the zeta beam. "Oh, and were only batfamily, your not my sister or they'll suspect something and link me and my identity up and Bats, we can tell them if they let you in" he said passing me a smile, I nodded, the thing scanned me and I was gone.

I found myself in a large room, 5 teens were staring at me, each one looking superised. They all got into battle stance, appart from the bright yellow kid Flash aka Wally West who just stood there awkwadly.

"Who are you!" One asked/shouted.

"Urm Starling" I said quickly. Then Robin appeared, "Guys its okay, she's with me" he smiled pulling down my hood revealing my smile, hair and mask. "Hi" I smiled.

"Robin who's this?" the one guy asked. He had blond hair and had gills. Aqualad? "Oh, this is Starling, I was wondering, could she join the team?"

"Does Batman know of this?"

"Yeah" he smiled.

"Okay then, she may stay"

Robin passed me a grin and the team came over. "Hello Starling, I am aqualad, this is Superboy" he pointed to a boy in a black shirt with a red superman logo on. He seemed... quiet.

"Artemis" he pointed to the girl in green with a blonde ponytail, she looked like... woah, artemis from school. This should be cool.

"Hello" her voice said whist scanning me over. I nodded, thankfully when I was at school my hair was dead straight in a high ponytail. Now it was down and a bit poofy. (Like cheshires hair)

I smiled and said hi back. "This is miss martian" he smiled pointing to a green girl. "Hi" she said in a very friendly tone.

"Hello" I smiled back.

"And this is Kid Flash"

"Hello Star"  he grinned.

"Hello" I smiled back.

"Thanks for letting me on the team" I smiled pulling my hood up.

"No problem" Aqualad smiled. I smiled back and looked at my brother, "Hey Aqualad, any missions?"

"Im afraid not"

"Okay, well I have one for us"

"What is it Robin? " he asked.

"Cadmus, me and Star were planning on going to find as much info on them as possible and to figure out why they want us"


"Me and Star, turns out im not the only one who they are putting money on" I said.

"Wait, they are paying people to get you?" Miss M asked.

"Im afraid so, turns out they want us desperately" by now everyone was listening carefully.

"Yes, so you coming, we need to find where they are" I said calmly.

"Im in" Wally said.

"Me too" Miss M added.

"And me" Artemis smiled.

"This will be putting the team in danger"

"Cadmus don't want you guys, they want me and Star, they won't give you a second glance if they see us" Robin said.

"Im in" Superboy said.

"And I am" Aqualad smiled weakly.

"So, where do we start?" Miss M asked.

"Urm... wait a moment" I saidpulling up a file on my gaunlet computer and typing some stuff in. "Metropolis chemical and machinery plant" I said quietly pulling up another file, "Apparently they were last there, if we go we must be careful" I added closing the files and shutting the thing off.

"Well then, Shall we take the zeta beams or ship?" Robin asked.

"The beams are faster, if we take them we have a better chance of getting more done" Aqualad said and we went into the beams.

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