Chapter 11

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Sky pov

"What? Robin... what is it?"

"We get the info, and were talking when we get back" he said quietly. I nodded as he flicked through some files, then the door swung open, "Im outta gas, take the files and go through the vent!"

"No, you take the files, ill catch up with you later!" I nodded and grabbed all the files and folders, the workers yelled but I just blew open the vent cover and scrambled up holding the fils with one hand, supporting myself with the other, I got up then shuffled forwards a bit, "Robin grab my cape!"

"got it!" he yelled up. I pulled him up into the vent and we shuffled down the vent, "Where now?" I asked.

"Urmm... take a left.... forwards, that vent there, pass the files back to me and kick it open, I passed him the files and kicked off the vent cover, I dropped onto a roof and he passed me the files then joined me on the roof. We ran across the roof and headed straight for a zeta tube.

We got there and Zeta'd to the Batcave, Robin got changed and I went to my room and got changed there, I put the files on my bed. Once changed I opened the files, eyes widening with every word. Then there was a knock at my door.

"Come in Dick" I huffed. He opened the door and came in, "Okay Sky, we need to talk" he said in an annoyed tone.

I nodded as he closed the door behind him. "Who are you? "

"Urm... your adopted sister"

"No, your a Grayson aren't you?" I stared at his sad eyes then I hung my head. "Yeah" I sighed.

"Hmm, how long have you known this for?"

"Weeks" I said sadly.

"Weeks?!?" he raised his voice.

"Dick I'm sorry!" I said.

"How can you be?!? I thaught you were dead Sky! I thaught you were dead, just like Mum and dad!" he said tears forming.

"Thats why I didn't want you to know, I just wanted you to move on with your life and not have to worry!"

"Sky, don't you get it, I thaught I was alone!"


"Sky... I..."

"Dick I have said im sorry-"

"No, I don't accept it"

"FINE THEN, GET OUT AND FIND YOURSELF ANOTHER SISTER!" I screamed. He nodded then stormed out. I then broke down, full on crying. I pulled out my phone and went to text Wally.

Wally he now knows, he hates me and I don't think he'll ever forgive me, what do I do?!? :'( :'(

Sky im so sorry! :( Do u want me 2 come round?

I dunno, mayB not 2day, can you come round on Friday or something? I don't want Dick to hate me :(

Sky im sure he doesn't hate you :( he can just be a bit harsh at times

He was crying and yelling at me, im pretty sure he'll never speak to me again... What if he tells Bruce? WHAT IF BRUCE KICKS ME OUT?!? :(

Sky calm down! He won't kick you out, he'd just reason with Dick. Even if he did kick you out, you always have me and the team, you could have a spare room at mine or theres spare rooms at the mountain 2. Connor, Kaldur and Megan (Miss M, aqualad and supey) live there too! You'd be fine :(

Thanks Wally, but what about Dick?

Give him time, I'm sure he'll figure himself out

Thankyou so much!

Okay babe, gtg now, bye

Okay bye

I breathed a sigh of relief, if it weren't for wally I'd be crying my eyes out. Now I'm just crying. I stood up and got into my pajamas without dinner, I didn't want food or sympathy from Alfred or even Bruce hanging around with me, I just wanted my brother back.

A Bat and two birds (YJ Lost bird ff book 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora