Chapter 16: The calm before the storm.

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I woke up to an empty bed making me question where Scott disappeared too. Getting out of bed I make my way down the stairs to hear no sound at all. Hmmm weird. Making my way back upstairs I decided to take a shower and throw on one of Scott's old shirts and my jeans from the other day before making my way back downstairs. Realizing that I don't have my bike here I have no way of getting to my house or anywhere for that matter. Shaking my head I decide to go for a run and do the old fashion way of hunting.

Sniffing the air I catch onto Scott's scent and immediately start running towards it. I miss this the feeling of running, I really haven't done it much since well the whole nogitsune thing, but maybe I should get started again. Maybe I can try and convince Stiles to run with me so we can work on his physical strength and activity.

It doesn't take long before I am at my destination of the animal clinic when I hear four heartbeats. Pulling my hair back I listen into whoever it is and learn what they are knowing. Listening I find out what their plan is and since it sounds like Scott is forcing Mason to be with Theo maybe I can cut him some slack and join them too.

Walking into the animal clinic I watch as all boys stare at me and wonder how I knew they were here when I didn't text any of them. Shaking my head I tap my nose with my pointer finger before asking them what I could do to help. Glancing more at Scott since he is basically running this he lets out a sigh and tells me to, shocker here, go with Mason and Theo to help them find Aaron. Nodding I motion for the boys to follow after me so we can get this show on the road.

I follow Theo to his car while Mason gets in his as we head to our destination. I can feel the tension in the car at an all time high meaning there is something Theo is dying to talk about, but he isn't letting himself do it. Which for Theo is quite strange if you ask me. Turning my attention to him I let out a frustrated breath.

"Okay what is it? Spit it out."

"Do you trust me?"


"Do you trust me? I mean it's obvious that no one else in the pack trusts me or wants me there, but you, I can't get a read on you, so I need you to tell me the truth. Do you trust me?"

"Do you really need to ask that? I mean come on Theo look at our track record and how things are going. If I did not trust you at all I wouldn't have kept you here, let you stay in my house, and be in a car with you trying to figure this out. Now I'm not saying I'm putting all my faith in you because if I'm being honest I'm still skeptical sometimes, but yes Theo I trust you."

"Okay, good. At least someone I care about trusts me."

"You care about the pack?"

"No, not all of them, but some of them have grown on me yes."

"Like Liam?"

I ask looking at him with a questioning glance making him shake his head before saying we are here completely avoiding my question. Rolling my eyes we both make our way out of the truck before following Mason down to the underground tunnels. At this point I should just make a small living here too because I feel like I'm down here all the time.

Once we get down to the ground of course Theo and Mason start going at it when all of a sudden Theo throws the bat across the room. Yelling at him since it used to be Stiles's bat I make my way over to the bat before bending down and grabbing it. Once it's in my hands I go over to Mason before shoving it in his hands and looking between both of them.

"No it wasn't necessary, now you two stop acting like children before I treat you both like children, do you understand?"


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