Chapter 10: Thats it

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I see him. Stiles, he is standing in the bright light trying to see what is in front of him. Letting out an estranged sob I lift my hand to wave at him. He doesn't wave back, but instead takes a step forward making me encourage him to keep going and to come back to me.

"Stiles, come on. I see you, I remember you, come back to me Spaz. Come back."

I whisper as the flash of light immediately disappears making me let out a sigh before looking at Scott with hopeful eyes. He is still staring at me with a raised eyebrow before slowly coming over to me and grabbing my hand.


"Where is he? He was coming. I saw him, he was right there. I could almost touch his hand, he was there Scott, did you see him?"

"I didn't see anybody, Kai."

"No, but he was there. He has to be somewhere, Scott. He made it, I know it."

I tell Scott who just nods his head before pulling me into a hug murmuring how he believes me and that we will find him. I know he is lying not only because I heard his heart skip a beat, but because he lets out a choked sigh after meaning he doesn't fully believe me. He lets me go as Liam starts to try and explain that everyone was taken, but says that he can show us better than he can explain it. Everyone nods their head before we all get ready to go see what Liam is talking about.

I take one step forward and hiss slightly because although the wound is gone I'm still sore from what I'm guessing is whiplash. Hearing my groan I have Liam and Scott both blocking me shaking their head as if to tell me I'm not going. Glaring at them I tell them how I need to find Stiles too and they can't stop me, so it's either I go with them or I go on my own. Crossing my arms in front of my chest Liam and Scott look at each other as if having a silent debate making me raise an eyebrow before both of them nod before Liam grabs my hand.

"Fine, you can come, but I'm not letting you take another hit for me, got it?"


We all head outside before making our way to the hospital making our way through the different halls we see that it is completely empty which is quite unusual for a hospital with sick patients. Scott asks if it is happening everywhere to which Liam starts labelling different places that are completely empty.

"What does this mean?"

"It means it's working."

Mr. Douglas says making both boys push me behind them before shifting and letting out warning growls. Liam says how he can't take both of us making me chime in saying three of us before shifting when both boys turn their heads and glare at me. Liam reminding me that I am not allowed to take anymore hits making me roll my eyes and remind him that I am sore and not dead. Mr. Douglas whispers a small yet under his breath making us all growl at him again daring him to try something.

Scott then tells Liam there is no way he can take both of them before Mr. Douglas calls out Parrish making it an even two against two making me smirk asking if I can join them now. Parrish starts to make his way towards us making Liam push me into the nearest room and shutting the door as the boys try and convince Parrish that he doesn't want to do this.

Of course it doesn't work and Mr. Douglas is basically taunting them with the fact that they are going to lose and how Scott is going to make a fine Ghost Rider. Letting out a low growl I head to the door trying to open to see that it is locked. Curse hospitals and having the door lock on the outside. Fine if they want to be this way I'll let them get their ass kicked and then come in and save the day, only because I don't want to cause this hospital anymore damage. However, that all breaks loose when I hear something metal hitting someone and them letting out a grunt.

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