Chapter 4: We'll Figure it Out.

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I wake up to my phone ringing making both Scott and I groan at the sound. Rolling over I glance at the clock seeing that it's almost two am and I start to wonder why the hell Melissa is calling me when she is down the hall. Answering the phone I hear Melissa's calm yet freaked out voice telling me to meet her at the morgue for Malia was shot.

That was all I had to hear before I was getting out of bed and throwing on some sweats and making my way out the door, on my bike, and towards the hospital. As soon as I get there I see Malia lying on the table while Melissa is trying to get the bullet out and Chris is holding Malia down. Getting closer I ask what happened and who shot her when Chris said it was him. I was about to ask why when Malia shot up screaming and growling making me run over as Melissa tells us to keep her still.

"Malia it's okay, I'm here. I'm right here."

"The morgue. I'm not dead yet."

"Keep acting like this Mal and you will be."

"You're a werecoyote. It's private down here, and this is going to hurt. Try not to roar."

Melissa warns her as she starts again making Malia grab Chris's arm and based on the sound of flesh I heard she must have sunk her nails down into his skin. I got confirmation of that when Chris asks if Melissa has anything for the pain for himself. Melissa asks what Malia was doing in the woods at two am.

"Werecoyotes are nocturnal. I heard screams. Like someone-being-murdered type screams."

"Did you see anything? Catch a scent?"

"Just blood. And thats all I remember before someone shot me."

"Why did you shoot her?"

"She was about to tear us apart."

"It's not her fault. When a coyote smells a fresh kill it's senses are overcome. The blood drives it crazy."

"We really need to get you under control Mal."

I tell her when she groans again making Melissa apologize and try and explain that she isn't trying to tear anything. Malia just ignores it before grabbing the tool out of Melissa's hand and doing it herself. Once she gets it out she hands it back to Chris making me shake my head before helping her down off the table.

Thanking both Chris and Melissa for keeping her safe I ask Malia if she would like a ride home. Nodding her head we make our way to my bike before heading to her house. I was about to leave when Malia calls my name making me turn off my engine and look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Can you stay with me and make sure I don't do anything else?"

Nodding my head I get off my bike placing my helmet on the handle before following Malia into her home. We both get in her bed like we have done plenty of times before during our sleepovers before we fall asleep.

The next morning went by fast and I ended up borrowing some of Malia's clothes before driving us both to school. Looking at her I make her promise me that she will behave when she just rolls her eyes before shaking her head telling me that she makes no such promises. Shaking my head at her I grab my bag out from under my seat and head to the library.

As soon as I get there I spot Liam and Mason studying making me smile and sit directly in front of them. Neither one of them looking up. Liam probably because he could smell that it's me and Mason probably too engrossed in whatever he is looking at and if Liam wasn't alarmed neither was he.

"The K-index quantifies disturbances in the horizontal compnent of earth's magnetic field. What's a K-index?"

"It's a scale that meteorologists use to measure thunderstorm activity. So, a K-index value less than 20 means no activity, and above 35 is severe."

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