Chapter 1: Stiles.....who?

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You know the feeling you get when everything is just perfect. The feeling that nothing could absolutely go wrong because your life is just perfect how it is. Thats exactly how I am feeling right now as I glance at the two curious honey brown eyes staring at me in anticipation.

Those honey brown eyes that I could never forget and have stayed by my side for most of life. Smiling I shove him away from me before he flails miserably on my floor. Shaking my head I ask if he is okay before getting a weak thumbs up.

Things have been going really good for quite a while. No supernatural disturbances, nothing. Granted Stiles and Scott have both been trying to help out the police in anyway possible even when they don't need us, but I feel like they miss it. Not necessarily the fighting for our lives and trying to survive bit, but the feeling of wanting to help everyone.

The feeling of being a hero.

I miss it sometimes too, but I also missed being a normal teenager so thats what I tried to focus on most these past couple of months. Being normal, a girl who has an almost perfect boyfriend, the best friends she could possibly ask for, and the letter of whether or not she has been accepted to NYU in her hands.

"Come on Kai, by the time you open it. I'll be graduated from college."

"Would it be weird to say I'm scared?"

"Kai, you have fought alphas, a dark druid, a nogitsune, dread doctors, and even your own twin brother. There is nothing in that letter that can be any more life harming than those. However, it's normal to be scared of rejection. Hell why do you think it took me years to ask you out?"

"Didn't I ask you?"

"No, I'm pretty sure I am the one who asked you to be my girlfriend. Just open it!"

He shrieks making me chuckle as I start to open the envelope when all of a sudden the radio on Stiles's dresser starts talking about some guy and a chase. We both glance over to the radio before Stiles looks over to me. Shaking my head I tell him that they can handle it on their own and that we were not getting involved.

So tell me why I am standing at a gas station watching as Stiles gets his hand wrapped up from hurting it. The Sheriff now questioning what we thought we were doing and the letter from NYU sitting on Stiles's bed unopened. Rolling my eyes I start listening to the excuse Stiles tries to give his dad this time, but immediately gets shut down at the fact the only thing the guy stole was helium.

"This could be a good thing."

"That we saved helium?"

"I mean that...they don't need us anymore."

"Okay, well, they need us they just don't know it yet."

"We're all going off to college soon, so Beacon Hills is gonna have to survive without us."

"Beacon Hills would burn to the ground without us."

"Stiles....they don't need us."

Scott convinces him before turning the conversation over to me asking if I got into NYU or not. Shrugging my shoulders I tell him that I didn't get to find out considering the fact that my dear sweet boyfriend over here dragged me to save helium. Stiles makes a joke at the fact I was taking forever to open it anyway that they probably could have saved the helium and came back before I opened it.

I was about to tell him that he was completely wrong when his phone buzzed and he is shouting that they need us. Scott and I shake our heads before he turns the jeep around heading back towards the Sheriff station. Once we get there the Sheriff explains how there is this boy who lost his parents and no one knows where they are. Nodding our heads we make our way over to where the boy is sitting as the Sheriff explains what is going to happen to the boy.

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