Scott didn't answer, but when Veronica tried to walk past him and toward the elevator, Scott lightly grabbed her by the wrist, trying to stop her from leaving. As he did so, Veronica had the upper hand and twisted Scott's arm. She pinned his arm to his back with one arm and had her other rest on his left shoulder for support, "Do you ever learn?" She scoffed loudly, finally letting go after a brief moment of staying in that position, "Now tell me, what do you want?"

  "Deaton told me what you told him about your backstory. You're not like the rest of your pack, Veronica. My friends may not notice it but I do." Scott explained to her, "I know you realize what you're doing is wrong. If you just help us--" Before he could finish, Veronica cut him off by laughing.

  "Are you serious right now, Scott?" She asked Scott in disbelief, "You must be high on crack if you really think I would choose you over them. The Alpha Pack is my family. Being one of them is my whole life. The twins are practically my brothers. Deucalion is like a father to me, he took me in when my real father chose his wife over his own daughter. He made me everything I am. He made me not be powerless anymore. I owe him everything." She explained to him and Scott gave her a confused look when he heard her last sentence.

  "I don't know about you, but it sounds like you're being manipulated," Scott told her and Veronica became angry. Her eyes glowed red as she growled under her breath. Scott's eyes widened and he quickly placed his hands up in surrender, "Look, look, I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry." He apologized quickly, causing Veronica to sigh.

  "Just go!" Veronica insisted, "Go before anyone else sees you. Forget this conversation ever happened."

   Scott slowly nodded his head in response, "If that's what you want, okay. I'll go." He replied to her in a calm, quiet tone.

   Veronica sighed, watching as Scott walked out of the apartment building. She turned her body around and headed for the elevator.

She ran a hair through her raven hair. Veronica thought to herself, Maybe Scott was right. After all, she never did agree with all of the horrible and evil deeds Deucalion and the rest of the Alpha Pack did, she just did what she was told because she felt as if she owed Deucalion. He took her out of the horrible situation she was in just four years before and helped raise her into the strong, young woman she now was.

Without him, she would have still been living with her abusive father and psychotic stepmother who happened to be a were-coyote.

    It had been a hard three years living with that after her mother died, but then Deucalion came in and convinced her to kill them all, which she did without hesitation. And now, here she was, part of the Alpha pack.


That night, Kali, Veronica, Ethan, and Aiden all made their way into Derek's loft with a kidnapped Jennifer Blake after shutting off the power.

Once opening the locked door, Kali was the first to be revealed to Derek, who stood with Isaac and Boyd by his side.

She entered her, her claws out and red eyes glowing, "I'm gonna be honest, Derek. When Ennis died, I thought to myself, 'I'd just go for it, find you and kill you wherever you stood, but then I remembered how you surround yourself with these teenagers, hiding behind them. And I thought, what's a girl got to do to get you alone. That's when Veronica gave me greatest idea." Kali explained as Ethan and Aiden appeared, holding onto a distraught Miss Blake.

"Oh, don't pin it all on me now, Kali. You and I both know this was all you." Veronica spoke up, walking over to stand with Ethan.

"You and me, Derek," Kali said as she turned to face Derek and his pack once more, "Or I'll have Veronica and the twins tear her to pieces as you watch. What do you say? Do you think you can beat me one on one?"

Once getting the okay from Derek, both Isaac and Boyd walked over to stand to the side, "I'm going to rip your throat out with my teeth." Derek lowly growled at the female alpha.

They both growled at each other before they both lunged at each other.

As the fight went on, Jennifer tried her hardest to get out of both Aiden and Ethan's grasp, "Derek!" She screamed out.

Isaac noticed the female struggling and went to go help her, only to be stopped by Derek, "Wait!" Derek shouted at him.

As they continued to fight, Isaac suddenly ran over to them and grabbed Jennifer. When doing so, Boyd, Derek, and Kali were electrocuted in the water. Kali was the first to get up after it occurred. She immediately looked over at the twins as she pointed to Derek, "Take him!" She demanded and the twins immediately obeyed her.

They walked over to Derek, who was weak after being electrocuted and picked him. Kali picked up Boyd as Ethan and Aiden held out Derek's claws. Kali suddenly pushed Boyd into Derek's claws, causing him to be deeply injured, almost on the brink of death.

"I'm giving you to the next full moon, Derek. Make the smart choice. Join our pack. Or next time, I'm Killing all of you." Kali explained to them before she and the twin left.

Veronica stood there, giving them all sad looks, "I'm truly so--" As she went to apologize to them all, Veronica was soon cut off by Kali.

"Let's go, Veronica! No time for chit-chat!" She shouted out and Veronica immediately obeyed her.

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