031 | Three's a Team

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The station was busy with the scare of deviants arising, even though it was the beginning the anticipation of it turning into something quite large was present. Erika and the two detectives entered the glass-windowed office and faced the police captain. She waved sheepishly at the captain as she knew she was in some form of trouble.

"Erika, Hank told me what happened today", he stood up from his office. His face bore a worried look that then transitioned into disappointment. For Jeffrey Fowler was also a good friend of the Daniel family and knew Erika on a family level. No matter how absurd her actions were he would learn to understand, but when harm came into context, that's when the foot comes down.

"I know I promised I wouldn't get in the way, I just wanted to make sure they were okay", she walked to the painted wall beside a large screen displaying important information," then the deviant chose to use me as target practice, but it didn't graze me to the slightest, Connor shot it before it did any damage"

The captain turned his head towards Connor and nodded in thanks of saving the life of a human being. He then grabbed a file folder labeled humanoids, on it and handed it to Erika. The woman looked down at the title and her eyebrows furrowed at its presence.

"Seeing that this investigation is branching out to other areas besides androids, I'm making it a priority, on the same level as the deviant case", Fowler looked at Erika with a stern look he would give everyone, but this one sent a different kind...

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"Seeing that this investigation is branching out to other areas besides androids, I'm making it a priority, on the same level as the deviant case", Fowler looked at Erika with a stern look he would give everyone, but this one sent a different kind of message.

"Meaning that we have another report?", Hank questioned as he stepped forward with his arms crossed. Connor was able to confirm this allegation with his LED blinking a yellow color. Connor walked up to his partner's side and announced the information he's received.

"The warrant to investigate and question the CEO of Eversen has been confirmed, we will be able to commence an investigation in the evening", Connor turned to the old man and gave him a nod.

"It's a lead, so the three of you better get ready", Fowler looked at the small group and gave a small nod before heading back to his office chair.

"It's a lead, so the three of you better get ready", Fowler looked at the small group and gave a small nod before heading back to his office chair

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"Now wait a goddamn minute, she's coming along?", Hank put his foot down and lashed out at the sudden order. She could get in much more danger if she came, he thought to himself. The old man shook his head as he did not want a child that just came back into his life.

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