2~ Boyf riends

109 2 3

Word : inquiry

-a search for knowledge

-an instance of questioning

-a systematic investigation of a matter of public interest


-Slight swearing

-Mention of self harm

Jeremy's prov

"Dad. I don't need a therapist. I'm fine! I promise!" He isn't buying it. And nowww I have to see a therapist. FUN.

"Come on Jeremy! I made some calls and got you a great therapist...well therapist in training, but alot of people told me to try him. They say that he's good!" he pushed me into the passenger seat of the car. I groaned. My dad started the car. "He's great, Jeremy! Don't worry about it."

Your mind might be wandering around the bush here. I don't need a therapist. I shifted in my seat.

Okay. Maybe I do. School is great. I have great friends. I'm not bullied.

But... I just can't feel happiness anymore. I try to be happy, but each time I try, I fail.

Dad caught me trying to cut myself.

And now I'm in this boat. Fuck my life!

"We're Heere," He climbs out of the car. "Come on, Jeremy."

I groan again and climb out of the car. My dad locked the car and we enter the building.

We walk towards the reception lady. She looks up from the computer screen. "Hi, This is Jeremy Heere. He has an appointment with Mr Mell."

She tipes a bit on the keyboard. "Yes," she looks back at us. "You can go see him now. Room 12, second floor. The stairs are to your right. It's near the staircase. Mr Mell will be there shortly."

"Ah! There it is!" my dad exclaims. He opens the wooden door and walks inside with me. He closes the door behind us.

The room has a few paintings on the walls, a desk with a closed black laptop on it. Next to the laptop are  headphones. There is a swivel chair on his side of the desk and two chairs on this side. There is also one red sofa. There is no sign of 'Mr Mell'.

"Well. I'll pick you up in half an hour," WHYYYY!? "Bye Jeremy." my dad leaves. I sit down on the chair and sigh.

The door opens again. "Sorry for the wait." I turn around to see the owner of the voice.

He looks to be my age. He has dark brown messy hair. He is dressed in a red hoody that's coverd in patches and a black jean with black and white sneakers. His skin looks so soft...and those eyes, they sparkle in-

Waiiiiit. Oh no.

He holds out his hand. "You must be Jeremy. Jeremy Heere?" he smiles a bright smile.

I stand up and shake his hand. "Y-Yes, Mr M-Mell, huh?" I curse thee stutter!

"Oh, call me Michael." oh. Michael. "We can sit on the sofa if you'd like?"

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