"Big house for a camera man." I noted making him smile slightly.

"Pays well."

I nod, sitting up fully, I rub my forehead "Did I try to molester you last night?"

He laughed "You were a little full on, I have to say. But nothing happened. I realised something had happened to you when I saw your eyes. D-... Did you know what you were taking?"

My eyes widened "No! No never! I hate drugs! No, absolutely not! I had a headache, and they were in the bathroom.. Painkillers, that's what I thought I took. Until I felt a little weird and I presumed it was because I did a blow job."

Zak's head snapped to the side "What?!"

"Shots." I corrected making his shoulders sag slightly, no doubt with relief.  "How come I'm here? Not that I'm complaining, this bed is so comfy."

He grinned before clearing his throat "Well, you were burning up and Angel said you had to be cooled down quickly, because of the damage the drugs can do. Your boss said no hospital, so I kind of did what they did on a TV show, I put you in a cold shower... Then once you were cooled enough, I got you into bed where you've been since."

"Jesus.Well thank you. For helping me and for letting me stay. Not many people would do that for someone like me.."

"Someone like you?" He frowned, even tilting his head like a dog would at a strange sound.

"A stripper. It kind of goes with the stereotype, doesn't it? Always taking my clothes off and on drugs. I haven't made it to sleeping with people yet." I answered him.

"You're an exotic dancer and you don't need to sleep with anyone. You don't do that."

I didn't at the moment, but would there come a time when Zak stopped coming around and I was forced to make money by sleeping with the men that frequented the club. I had been fortunate enough, not to have to go down the seeded route, and it was the kind and sensitive man sat in front of me which prevented it. The man watching me carefully, probably wondering if I'm going to die in his bed.

"Thank you."

"You've already thanked me, Leah. You feeling okay?"

I nod "I mean... I mean thank you for everything you've been doing and done. Just know that I appreciate every minute I spend with you, in or outside of work. I hate taking your money.."

His hand reached out and took mine gently. "I know you're not happy when I hand it to you, I see the conflict in your eyes. But I can afford to keep doing this, because I don't want to lose you to another client when your boss decides that us being to close is affecting his wallet. Honestly? I could never put a price on the time I spend with you, because I enjoy it so much. You know how I get."

I nod "I do.. But how come you didn't tell me that you were a big thing in Vegas?"

He lowered his head "Because I didn't want you to clam up and think you couldn't talk to me. I hate the idea of you feeling inferior. We are at the same level and I want us to stay as we are. So I am on TV and own a museum, what does it matter? It's simple. It doesn't. I'm Zak. You're Leah. That's it."

"Well seeing as you are some hotshot , I think I've just upped my fees." I replied rolling my eyes playfully.

"I'd still pay it."

He was telling the truth, you could see the honestly in his eyes. He really would pay more, to sit and talk with me..

"What if..." I trailed off at the idea of him being caught in the club, what if he gets into trouble. "You need to stop coming to the club." I blurted out making his brows raise.

"What? Why?"

"Because you could get caught there and what will the TV people say about that? I don't want you to lose your job."

He shrugs "It won't ever happen. Don't worry about that and as for staying away? Not happening."

I sighed "You have too. Surely you can see it's too much of a risk, right?"

"I'm a single guy, I'm allowed to use the perks of Vegas, just like the next one."

"I guess. If you're sure..."

"I am. Now, are you getting up today?"

I bit my lip "I would... But I don't exactly have clothes to wear."

"I'll give you some of mine. Simple." He answered before getting up and doing just that.


Zak POV.

I stood in the kitchen, working on emails when the smell hit me. My fingers paused on the keyboard as I tested the air again with my nose in confusion as to what the smell was.

"I see where Gracie gets the sniffing from." Leah joked.

I turned around to find her in the clothes I had given her. Well some of them. The shirt I had placed down was a little too big, so like the resourceful and clever minded woman I knew her to be, she had made it into a dress.

"That's cute." I gestured to the shirt making her grin.

Her hair was damp and her skin looked flawless as she came to stand beside me. "Only have the hooker heels, so I'm bare-feet. Don't mind, do you?"

I glanced down at her painted toes "No, your feet are cute too."

"And if they weren't?" She asked.

"You'd have to learn to handstand walk." I joked making me smile.

The smell came again, but this time it came when she was pulling her fingers through her hair. Out of instinct, I reached out and smelt it causing her to pause.

"I'm sorry. I used your shampoo.."

"It smells amazing in your hair and don't worry, it's there to be used."

"You don't mind?"

I shook my head "Smells better on you."

Her cheeks flushed slightly "So umm... I feel like I owe you."

"For what?"

"Well you came to the club last night for a chat. You didn't expect to find me in that mess and have to bring me home again."

"I couldn't leave you.. I would have never forgave myself if anything happened to you Leah."

"That's because you're a kind soul. So, I owe you a chat. Let me take you into my office, aka the lounge, then take a seat on the couch and we can begin."

We both exchanged a look at each other before laughing. I closed the laptop down and followed after her, shamelessly watching her ass as she walked.

Yeah I was a sucker for her ass and hips, but she knew it too.


I can't cope with the home visit. 🙈

Time for some drama I think...

Next chapter is M rated. - Ya'll been warned 😈

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