"And to you dear friend who gets to move to Paris to start your very own fashion magazine, I wish you nothing but the best... I'll surely miss you." I raise my glass against his.

We shared that aww moment and we both were so close to crying. As we were eating I thought I saw Dante enter the restaurant with some blond women attached to his arm. I almost choked on my food when I saw the sight of him. He looked way sexier than this afternoon in his office. He changed his suit blue Levi jeans and a white shirt that showed off his muscular chest.

"My boss just came in," I whisper to Quinn.

"What? Where is he?"

Just when Quinn was about to turn around and look in the direction of Dante I kicked him under the table.

"Ouch! What was that for?" he stamped his leg against the table making it shake.

"Don't turn around he'll think we're starring and I still have to work with him in the morning," I said while laughing at Quinn.

Quinn broke down into laughter too I place my hand on his and rubbed my thumb against it feeling awful for kicking him that hard. After we've both had finished our dinner I looked at Quinn rolling my eyes. The food had only tickled my stomach and I'm sure that Quinn's also thinking about getting a pizza when we leave from here. An image of Dante in his tight-fitting jeans appears into my mind I quickly shake those thoughts off. 

I don't know how I managed to not look at him this whole evening but I'm glad that it's almost. When I look over to where he sat I saw him and the blond kissing. I feel like I'm intruding on their privacy I look away feeling a little jealous. Why in the world would I feel this way?

"That two should seriously just get a room." I nod my head in their direction for Quinn to follow.

"Do I sense jealousy coming from Rose Vaughn?" He said in a weird voice.

"Don't be ridiculous. Can we get the bill and go home, I can hear my bed calling out to me."

I didn't feel like being in the same space as Dante anymore and just wanted to go home. The thought of him breathing down that blonde's neck was just making me feel all weird. Just this afternoon he was breathing down in mine... I place my hand on my neck and I can still feel his breath against my skin.

Oh, Dad what had I gotten myself into?

I'm not used to getting attention from guys and I go and fall for the first guy who does. How dumb is that of me? Not to mention that this guy was involved in taking my father's company. Mom and Arthur would be so disappointed in me. Quinn's starting to look at me like when he does if he knows I'm battling with something I normally don't want to share with him. And damn right I don't want to share this with him it's way too embarrassing.

"Is everything okay?" he asked concerning.

"Yes, everything's fine." I give him a reassuring smile but he doesn't fall for it.

"You know you can't fool me, Rose."

I sigh knowing very well his right... but at least I don't have to tell him if I don't want to as he'd eventually give it up.

"We should get home tomorrow you have to get up early for your flight and I have to go to work with that bastard," I said with too much anger in my voice.

Quinn looked to Dante's table then took my hand in his.

"We can just stay a little while longer our wine isn't done yet and we can't take it to go. Let's just have another glass at least."

I hate it when Quinn gives me those puppy dog eyes. He was already pouring more wine in my glass I gave in to his request it was our last night together so we may as well drink this expensive wine. Quinn went through all this trouble for me I might as well toughen it up for him. The rest of the evening we had a lovely piece of chocolate cake to share. I kept looking to where Dante sat I don't know what was going on with me. I just couldn't stop myself from staring at him.

"You keep starring at them." I hear Quinn finally say.

Oh gosh, I got caught my cheeks lit up by the fact that I got exposed. I have to think of something to say other than confessing I'm feeling jealous at the blond sitting there with Dante.

"I know but I can't seem to stop. How can a guy move on to another girl in a matter of days doesn't he have a conscience?" Well, that was kind of true, and somewhere along the way, I was wondering about it.

"Darling his probably made out of stone. Men like him only have their enormous egos to think about."

"Yeah, you right I guess."

"No, that I know."

I look at my best friend sometimes the things that come out of his mouth just amaze me. It was starting to get late and the sight of those two was starting to get nauseating. When Quinn asked for the bill the waitress informed us it's already been paid for? We both looked at each other in confusion.

"Paid?" Both I and Quinn asked in harmony.

"Who paid for it?"

"That gentleman at the back did." She said pointing at the man that was no other than Dante Costello.

He raised his glass towards us as if just on cue, giving me that same devilish smile from his office and I felt my frustration build up. I grabbed Quinn by his arm and lead him outside.

"That bastard now he thinks I probably owe him."

"We should have gotten the seafood platter if we knew he'd be paying," Quinn said laughing and I couldn't help but join in his laughter despite being so angry.

Dante's POV

After struggling this whole afternoon to get Rose of my mind I managed to call up Olivia. Olivia was in town for a couple of days and I knew she'd be interested in having some fun. Fun that consisted of amazing food and good sex. 

We've been out a couple of times I liked it that she was different from the other's no strings attached. Olivia was a high-paid model she had blond long hair and a slender body. Long legs that thrilled me, she'll make me forget all about miss Vaughn tonight.

When we entered the restaurant it was already jam-packed. The waitress took us to a table at the back of the restaurant overlooking the city lights. As we walked to our table I heard a women's laughter it sounded so warm and comforting. I followed to the direction which the laugh came from to find it belonged to Miss Vaughn. 

I didn't know that she'd be here and if I knew I probably would have avoided coming here. This was so ironic... the one person who's been constantly on my mind the whole afternoon was just an arm's length away from me.

Was it a coincidence?

She looked even more beautiful than she did at the office and this guy she's with whose he? Her hand was placed on his and she showed so much affection towards him as she stroked her finger on his skin. I felt a feeling I've never felt before I want to be that man sitting opposite her, her fingers should be touching my skin... I closed my fist and sat down on my seat.

"Bring me a bottle of whiskey!" I barked at the waitress making her jump, she looked at me with fear in her eyes.

"What's spoiled your mood?" I hear Olivia's voice.

"It's nothing." I lean over the table and take Olivia's lips, kissing her releasing all my frustration in this kiss, hearing her little soft moans in my mouth.

The kiss meant nothing... it didn't make any difference. The effect Olivia's kisses once had on me vanished the moment I laid eyes on Rose.

I couldn't stop staring at Rose and that guy she was with. When the waitress brought the whiskey I informed her to bring me Rose's bill when they are done as I would pay for it. I'm sure she'd have plenty to say tomorrow at the office. Picking a fight with her just seemed worth it. 

When they were ready to leave the waitress had pointed at me and just the look on her face was worth every penny. I raised my glass to annoy her even more. She stormed out of the restaurant and I've decided to leave as well all of a sudden I've seemed to have lost my appetite.

"Let's go."

"We just got here?" Olivia protested wanting to stay longer.

"You can stay here on your own or accompany me to my penthouse either way I'm leaving."

{Ooh jealousy is brewing between these stubborn heads. What will happen at the office? Read on to find out.}

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