|Chapter 28. I don't Hate you|

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Just then I hear movement from outside and then someone's voice calling my name. The person screams, "NANDINI? ARE YOU IN THERE?"

I know that instant that it is Manik. I yell, "MA..." but Harshad covers my mouth and places a finger to his lips whispering, "Shhh..." I start squirming to get free from his grip and then Manik finally breaks in. Harshad aims his gun towards Manik.

Manik looks shocked and says, "Harshad just put the gun down and no one will get hurt..."

Harshad growls, "Sorry Manik, you're a nice guy, but you chose the wrong girl...my girl"


Manik shouts, "I'm not leaving you...EVER!

Harshad sadistically says, "That's too bad... goodbye Manik..."

I stare at the gun as Harshad is seconds away from pulling the trigger. I look back at Manik and all I can think about is how much I care about him. Regardless of our differences, I never really want him to die especially not on my account. I look back at the gun and quickly stab Harshad in his gut with my elbow, making him bend over in pain. Manik takes the chance and jumps on Harshad, which sends the gun flying across the room and breaking a huge vase. This causes so much noise that many of the guests rush upstairs to see Manik and Harshad fighting. Manik continues to bash Harshad and I have to drag Manik away so that Harshad doesn't die at the hands of Manik. The security holds Harshad until the police arrive to take him away.

I curl up on the bed scared of everything that could have happened. It was a terrifying experience to be inches away from death. Manik could have died, the man I supposedly feel nothing but hatred for. The man that has given me nothing but pain and heartache, yet today I was willing to risk my own life for him. Tears spring in my eyes at the thought of Manik's death. I just feel so confused and shaken up. I don't know what to make of my reaction though... why do I care so much about Manik? Was it for humanity sake or something more? Right now, I don't have the answer to that and I dread learning it.


After the guests leave because of tonight's events, Nayonika Mom and Ranvijay Papa come into the room to see how I am doing. Manik is downstairs at the time, talking to the police because I'm just too shaken up to reaccount the whole story. They both come in and sit on the bed next to me.

Ranvijay Papa asks, "Beta you're okay right?"

I nod and he continues, "I'll make sure that Harshad rots in jail for trying to hurt my daughter."

Nayonika Mom notices how I am zoning out because the chain of events keep replaying in my mind over and over again. Manik soon enters the room and my eyes shift over to him. Manik says, "I talked to the police, but they still need Nandini's version. I managed to put it off until she is ready to talk." Ranvijay Papa agrees and signals Manik to come closer to me.

He hesitantly comes because he gets no reaction from me. Nayonika Mom puts a hand on my shoulder saying, "Nandini, we were going to give this to you in front of everyone at the reception and looking at your state, you really do need this." I look at her somewhat confused as she pulls out an envelope.

She hands it to me saying, "It's your honeymoon tickets to Switzerland." I look up at Manik in even more shock. She continues, "I think you both just need to forget whatever happened tonight and just go enjoy yourselves. You two just got married and it would be a nice change."

Manik interrupts, "I don't think it's such a good idea. I mean whatever happened tonight really scared Nandini. Also what about the fashion house..." I couldn't believe my ears because he was actually doing this for me. It would actually help me to get away, but he was doing this because we would be alone and that's not something I want. Well at least he became a considerate human being because of that horrendous lie he told me.

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