With a sharp pain in her chest, she watched as the two best friends in the room shared a hug before the alpha walked out with a somber look on his face. Stiles told him about what the doctor was going to be looking for with these tests.

While they had been alone, Stiles had told her about his mother which was a topic he never really spoke about. She understood that it was hard for him to talk about the mother that he lost and never brought her up. But, with what was going on, he had told her how he spent majority of his time here at the hospital with his mom.

How he was there when she passed away. It was for her to see how much all of this was affecting him. She didn't think there was ever a time since she'd known Stiles that that he looked so...

Defeated. There was the time when his dad was taken by the darach but it was different this time.

He always had something to say and it was difficult for her to comfort him. She wasn't the best when it came to words so she just stayed by his side. She remembered how she promised to never leave his side again.

"Okay, Stiles." The doctor spoke through the microphone, catching her attention. "This will take about 45 minutes to an hour. Now remember, try not to move. Even just a little bit. Stiles, you're going to hear that noise now. It's going to be a loud clanging. Kind of like a hammer hitting an anvil."

Time seemed to tick by slowly as they patiently waited. Or Emily tried to be patient, she was leaning against the wall, chewing on her nail anxiously. Not realizing that she was picking up Stiles own habits whenever he got nervous.

Almost half an hour passed by before the doctor spoke up, pulling up an image on the screen. "See this?" He pointed to the screen. "The tissue here and there. Both those spots are showing signs of atrophy."

"Atrophy." Noah echoed quietly, his expression pained. Emily clenched her hands, wanting to break something just to let her anger out but instead she walked up to the sheriff and hesitantly pulled the man into a hug.

"I'm sorry." The doctor voiced softly.


Stiles felt his heart pounding in his chest as the sound around him grew louder almost deafening. He squeezed his eyes shut tightly before opening them and finding himself standing. He was still in the same room he seemed and he was now dressed in his clothes. He felt his entire body stiffen at the sound of footsteps in the room.

"Have you figured out my riddle yet?" The nogitsune asked, his tone mocking while walking around. "If you answer correctly, we might consider letting them go."

There was a sense of dread creeping up behind him as he saw the nogitsune in front of him. "Letting who go?" He questioned, swallowing nervously.

"Your friends. Your family. Everyone who ever meant something to you. We're going to destroy all of them, Stiles." The nogitsune taunted, letting Stiles notice Emily comforting his dad, the pair both wearing somber expressions. "One-by-one." The evil spirit hissed lowly, sneering at the young teenager.

Tears rolled down his cheeks and he sniffled. "Why?"

Why did it have to be him? Why was he the one being possessed by the evil spirit? It seemed like he really wasn't sick. This was all some big trick.

The nogitsune was enjoying the fear and anxiety rolling off the teenager. It was making possessing him so much easier. "Everyone has it, but no one can lose it. What is it?"

"I don't know." He choked out tearfully, wiping his wet cheeks.

The nogitsunes voice got louder. "Everyone has it, but no one can lose it. What is it?"

"I don't know." Stiles covered his ears, turning away from the evil spirit.

"Everyone has it, but no one can lose it." The nogitsune began unwrapping it's bandages. "What is it? What is it?"

"I don't know!" He screamed, not looking back at the nogitsune. Then it hit him. He finally knew the answer to riddle. "A shadow."

He hesitantly turned around just as the last of bandages came off. He was suddenly horrified as he stared at his double. It was like staring in a mirror. He stepped back fearfully.

The nogitsune was wearing his face, a dark smirk appearing on his lips and a wicked look in his gaze as he took a step forward.

The evil spirit was ready to claim this young man's body in order to create chaos and strife.


Emily had a million thoughts running through her mind. The longer she stared at the image on the screen, the more anger and worry she felt for the guy she loved.

It didn't make sense to her though.

How could he be sick?

It seemed a little convenient that he had the same exact illness that took his mother and especially now when it seemed that everyone believed that he was being possessed by the nogitsune. An evil spirit that was known for pulling tricks on people. Could that be what all this is right now?

Just a trick.

Although... her eyes fell back on the picture on the screen. There was this fear that what if she was wrong in doubting the diagnosis. What if he truly was sick? What was she going to do to save him? Would she really turn him?

That was a very, very hard choice even for her to make especially since it would be concerning Stiles future.

The lights flickered on and off for a few seconds causing to look away from the screen and pulling her away from her thoughts.

"What was that?" The pureblood asked, looking at the doctor and Melissa.

The doctor blinked. "It sounded like a power surge."

Noah looked over to where his son was supposed to be and felt his heart drop when he didn't see his son in the other room. "Where's my son?" He exclaimed.

Emily looked at him and saw that Stiles was indeed missing from his spot. "I'm going to look for him." She said before rushing out the door in hopes that maybe she could find him before he could get far.

Maybe it was the nogitsune. She couldn't be sure until she saw Stiles.


Stiles or rather now Void Stiles was finishing up tying up his shoes so he could finally get out of here and begin causing mayhem. The thought brought a pang of excitement to his chest and how much damage he could cause. He had so many plans.

Once he tied his shoes, he got up and walked out of the room to the elevators. People were rushing around him due to the power surge that he may or may not have caused.

The elevators opened and he felt something prickling at him as he walked towards the person who stood inside.

It was a woman.

He couldn't but smirk. It didn't take him long to figure out who she was. She had definitely aged since the last time he saw her but it was definitely her. By the look on her face, she definitely remembered him and what he represented.

"You know me." The woman, Noshiko uttered and he gave her a small nod as he approached her. She didn't seem afraid of him. There was this confidence about her that irked him. He needed everyone to be afraid. "Then you remember that I won't be deterred by your choice of host. Even if it's an innocent boy."

"Are you threatening us?" Void Stiles stared at her in amusement before two Oni appeared behind her. He was mildly impressed.

She stared at him blankly. "Now I'm threatening you."

He scoffed. "We're not really afraid of your little fireflies." He turned around, instead deciding he would take a different route out of the hospital.

"If the oni can't defeat you, I know someone who will."

That made him pause slightly in his steps. He tilted his head slightly, smirking to himself before walking away. Knowing full well that no one would find him.

Unraveling ❖ Stiles Stilinksi [2]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt