New Power! Am I a wizard?

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Merlok was in his home making dinner for him and Jestro. He was glad that he, Jestro, and Clay were able to get away from Monstrox after entering his home but he was sad that he couldn't get the picture of his sister. Although, there was something about Clay that was bugging him. He acted so much like Wanda when she was his age. 'Is it possible that Clay is Wanda's son?'

In Clay's home

Clay walked into his house to see his mother talking to the spies from the King's Secret Service. "Clay, this is Bob and Bill." Zinnia said surprising Clay since she never notices him coming in. She also indicated who was who with her hands.

"They're spies from the King's Secret Service." The two agents looked at each other surprised. How did the youngest member in the household, whose records have yet to been found, find out that they were cops. Zinnia, however, was not happy about what Clay had said. "They are not spies, they are Ace Powerboat Salesmen!" She said while showing a model of a boat to him.

It might have been fate when Harry entered the house. "Babyface, I'm starved!" Everyone turned to him as he entered the house with a shocked look on his face. Both Harry and Zinnia failed to notice the recorder in Bob's hand.

"Hi, Harry," Zinnia said nervously as if she had been caught doing something wrong. "Who are you?" Harry asked the two agents, still not knowing that they are spies from the King's Secret Service. "What is this, a Hot Tub party?" He said ranting as the agents grabbed their things and left, knowing that they couldn't get anything else they wanted with Harry in the house. "You're entertaining surfers?" He asked clearly upset.

Clay turned to his foster parents and told Harry what he told his mother earlier. "They're spies from the King's Secret Service." Bob then tried to save face by asking a stupid question. "You interested in timeshare?" Harry then slammed the door on his face.

Harry and Zinnia then started to fight. "You never let me talk to people! I need to talk to someone besides  our stupid kids!" Zinnia said as she went to her room and slammed the door. Clay rolled his eyes and went to his room. "A man is entitled to come home and find dinner on the table!" Clay in the meantime was staring at his door and it was moving but only slightly. 'There's that mist again. Only this time it's blue... maybe...'

"Dad." He called out. "What do you want?" Harry said clearly angry. "Yell at me, okay?" He wanted to sound like he was defending his mother. 

"Shut up and leave us alone!" This time the door moved a little more.

"Yell at me again!"

"Yell at you? I'll come in there and pound your miserable hide! What do I have to do to get some respect around here?" He was shouting while he was heading towards his room. Harry was about to enter the room when it shut on its own. Clay smiled as he realized the way to activate his power, righteous fury. 'Is it possible that one or both of my parents are wizards?'

No child likes to get yelled at, but it was precisely Harry's ranting and raving that gave Clay the key to his power or magic. To unlock that magic, all he needed to do was practice. Clay knew that there was no time like the present and practice makes perfect. Clay practiced his magic like there was no tomorrow. He started out small. He moved one cheerio across the table. He tried to move the box but failed then he started to remember all the insults Monstrox and his family threw at him and the whole box of cheerios burst like the TV did a few weeks ago. 'Okay. A little too much, better take it down a notch.' He cleaned up all the cheerios using his magic and since not all of the cheerios fell on the floor, he used his magic to put a good portion in his bowl. clay smiled as he used his magic to pour some milk into his cereal and placed the spoon in his bowl. Clay was getting the hang of his magic. He smiled as the spoon flew out of the cereal and fed himself with no problem. 'This is awesome!'

Since school was short today, Clay came home earlier than anyone else and decided to use this time alone to his advantage. He turned on his favorite song on the radio and made the entire living room dance with him, from his father's poker chips and cards to the lamps and chairs. he even his blanket dancing a bit with him too. When the song was over, he put everything back to normal with his magic and opened the curtains for some light and what he saw outside annoyed him.

The two spies from the King's Secret Service were snooping around. True, he was positive that this wasn't his real family, but this was his home. 'Maybe I can stall and give Harry enough time to change his ways. I have a feeling that doesn't do it himself then Monstrox might just do it for him because of that car...' Clay sighed as he made his way outside to the garage where they were talking. 

The smarter of the two was talking to the other one like he was an idiot. They were talking about the camera that they had been using to record Harry's dirty dealing. Clay used his magic to move a box that they were after away from them while they were distracted. Clay smiled when the smart one climbed up the ladder and noticed the box was on the other side of the shelf. He climbed back down and moved the ladder as Clay moved the box again.

Clay then decided to make his presence known. "I hope you two realize that you are going to be in trouble very soon."  Clay with a serious face.

"It's the male unexplained minor." One of them muttered to the other. Clay rolled his eyes as they came closer to him. "Aren't you supposed to be in school, young man?"

Clay shook his head. "PLC day. I hope the two of you have a search warrant for this. According to a law book, created by the king several hundred years ago, that I read in the library last year, if you don't have one, you could lose your jobs or even go to the dungeons.'

The two men looked at each other with confusion. How did this child, who had no records, read a book that should be difficult for people even in early college? The smart one shrugged it off. "It's your father who's going to federal prison. And you know where you'll end up?"

The other then decided to enter the conversation, Clay wasn't even interested in their foolishness. "In a federal orphanage or on the streets of Dnullib."

"You cooperate, we'll make sure it's a nice orphanage or find you a nice home in Dnullib."

"The kind with food, and teeny weeny cockroaches."

"What do you say?"

Clay rolled his eyes again and looked at their car across the street, mentally picturing the brakes turning off. "Well, now's another crime in the making. Your car is about to run a stop sign." Clay said while pointing at their car. They turned around and saw that he was indeed correct. As they were running to their car, Clay used his magic to take the tape out of the video camera and made it come to him. He grabbed it, closed the garage door, and went back inside where he disposed of the tape in the garbage can. 

Thanks for reading. See Y'all later!

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