Monstrox in the Classroom!

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Warning! Warning! Hilariousness ahead! You have been warned.

With the King's Secret Service watching his father and Monstrox terrorizing the school; it was a rare and happy moment when Clay could just play with his friends. One day Clay was out of the house with his friends: Lance, Aaron, Axl, Ava, Jestro, Robin, and Macy, who ditched her princess duties. They were currently in a nearby forest looking for bugs.

Jestro, with his net, called out in excitement, "A bug! A BUG!" Everyone ran to where Jestro with his net. "What is it, Jestro?" Clay asked curiously. "A bug!"

At the school, the children had a lizard-like creature in a jar while Clay, Macy, Ava, and Robin looked up what it was. "It's a salamander," Aaron said as he looked at the creature in the jar. 

"No way, Aaron. It's a chameleon. I should know. I had a pet chameleon," Lance said. After a few minutes, the quintet found the page in their book that they wanted. "It's a newt. Any of the small semi-aquatic salamanders from the genus traiteurs," Ava told them. 

"It also says that some are brightly colored and secrete irritating substances," Robin said then they showed the book to everyone so they could see the picture of the book.

Suddenly, Monstrox appeared in his car and it seemed to be breaking down. Clay saw that it was from his 'fathers' company and knew what was wrong. Everyone started t get up and leave but Clay was not fast enough as Monstrox came near him. "WORMWOOD!" Clay looked at him frightened. "Sell me a lemon? You're headed for the Chokey, young man!" He grabbed Clay by his arm and dragged him through the school.

"The Chokey?" Clay asked in fear.

"Teach you a lesson!" 

"Sorry, but what lesson?" 

"You and your father think you can make a fool out of me!"

"My father?" Clay had more than a million questions in his mind as his bag was taken from him and thrown across the room.

"The guys with the stupid haircut!"

"I'm nothing like my father!" Clay protested since he didn't know who his true father was. "You're the spitting image!" Monstrox said then he pushed Clay into the Chokey and started to close the door. Clay tried to make himself more comfortable but was unsuccessful.

"The apple never rots far from the tree," Monstrox said then he closed the door and Clay was now locked in the Chokey. 

Back in Merlok's classroom, everyone was cleaning up the classroom since today Monstrox was coming to visit. Merlok was using his magic to reverse and help fix the classroom for Monstrox's arrival. "Merlok! Merlok!" Macy shouted.

"Monstrox is teaching our class today, Macy. Please get a water pitcher ready." Merlok said with fear and hurry in his voice. Merlok didn't want any of his students to get hurt. "But, Merlok!"

"Please hurry, Macy. He will be here any second." Macy wanted to talk to Merlok so bad but she knew that he had to help get the class ready. She rushed to the sink to get the pitcher of water ready. "Make sure the water is cold, Macy. Jestro, cover the paintings! Put away the art projects! Put away anything colorful. Aaron, please put the markers away!"

Most great ideas come from hard work and careful planning. Of course, once in a while, they just jump out at you. Macy came up with the idea as soon as she finished filling the jug with cold water. She looked at the newt in the jar and without any hesitation, put the newt in the water pitcher. Since the pitcher was dark and made of metal, no one would notice it. 'This is what Monstrox deserves for hurting my friends and family.' Macy thought to herself.

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