Monstrox's House

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After school, Clay used the school phone to call his home to let his parents know that he would be gone for a few extra hours. They were fine with it, but he had to be home by 6:30. Clay even helped Jestro with his homework.

"Come on, Jestro. It's time to go home." Merlok said. Jestro and Clay grabbed their stuff and walked out with Merlok. "Clay, isn't your home the other way?" Jestro asked. "Jestro, Clay is coming home with us," Merlok told him. "I have to be back home by 6:30. Other than that, I am allowed to visit, if it doesn't bother you, Jestro." Jestro shook his head. "No, way. I've always wanted my friends to visit."

Merlok grabbed his things and the three of them started to walk down the street towards the outskirts of town. On their way to Merlok's home, they passed by a large home, Merlok paused for a moment and looked in sadness. "That is where Merlok lives."

Clay noticed the sad looks on Merlok and Jestro then he noticed a swing on a tree in the yard. "Why is there a swing?"

They started to walk again as Merlok started his story. "A family used to live there, a young man, Monstrox, and a young woman named Wanda. Everyone who lived there was a witch or wizard. Unfortunately, Monstrox's heart was filled with darkness and since he did not get things as quickly as he wanted, he used dark magic to get his way. One day, Wanda told the two men that she was expecting a young child. But a legend was formed around the child." Clay perked at the sound of that. "The Legend of the Wizard Knight?" Clay asked.

Merlok nodded. "Yes, it was said that the young child would be both a knight and a wizard. He would be the most powerful witch/wizard because he could use his magic without his wand." Merlok sighed sadly. "Monstrox knew that Wanda's child would defeat him so he was going to turn her and her child evil. In fear, she fled and both her and her child ran off in fear."

"That's horrible..." Clay said sadly. "Yes... soon the young man even left in fear of Monstrox and what he might do.

"Oh, dear..."

"Do not worry, Clay, the ending is much more pleasant. The young man was friends with the king so he was able to get a new home all paid for by the king. One day, the young man found a young boy who lost his parents when he was very young. The young boy was living on the streets but now lives with the young man in his home paid for by the king."

Clay smiled. "That's good." Jestro had been quiet throughout the whole story but was smiling at the end of it.

Finally, they arrived at the house from Merlok's story. "The house?! Monstrox?! No!" Clay said shocked as they arrived.

"I am afraid so. Monstrox and I are brothers and Wanda is our sister."Merlok said remembering losing his sister and his future nephew. (I like the concept of Merlok and Monstrox being related.)

They all entered Merlok's home and sat in the kitchen as Merlok got the boys a snack. "So, what happened to Wanda's child?" Clay asked. "I do not know. I know that she was having a boy but I do not know what she would have named him. I just hope where ever they are, that they are safe."

Clay was so lost in his thoughts, he didn't hear anything till he heard Merlok talking about treasures. "Treasures?"

"Yes, a photo of myself and Wanda. And something that I made for Wanda's child and candy that the three of us shared." Clay nodded.

Later that day

Since it was getting late, Merlok and Jestro decided to walk Clay home. The once again stepped in front of Merlok's old home and Clay spotted Monstrox placing stuff in his car and led them into the bushes to hide.

As they were watching Monstrox, a white cat started meowing at Monstrox. It started walking closer to him. Monstrox started to walk backward from the cat and started to bark at it.

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