Make Him Eat Chocolate Cake! Where is my real family?

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The Next Day

"Listen up, you mooks! The entire school will go to the assembly room, immediately!" Monstrox said over the P.A. system. Everyone in the entire school quickly went to the assembly room. 

"Sit," Monstrox told the students and they all sat down. 

Clay was sitting with his friends, Macy, Lance, Aaron, Jestro, and Axl. "What's going on?" Clay asked Macy. "Beats me. He seemed really angry this morning in the castle." Macy said back.

Monstrox looked over the entire student body and said a name, "Axl." Every student gasped, even Axl's friends, as they turned to the biggest student in the school. He gulped nervously. "Would little Axl come up here, please?" Monstrox's voice was sweet and happy. Everyone had a bad feeling that something bad was about to happen.

Axl slowly came up to the stage where Monstrox was. Everyone knew Axl may be a big eater but he had a bigger heart. But there were no teachers so who knows what could happen.

Monstrox growled as soon as Axl arrived on stage. "This boy, Axl, is none other than a vicious sneak and crook." Monstrox turned his head to the boy. His evil yellow silted eyes were staring into his soul. "You're a disgusting criminal, aren't you?"

Axl was a bit scared but he shook it off. "Sorry. I don't know what you talking about." Axl told him. Monstrox got even closer to his face making Axl a bit more nervous but glad he was facing this instead of one of his friends. "CAKE! Chocolate cake! You slithered like a snake into the school's kitchen and ate my PERSONAL SNACK!"

Monstrox wanted to use the truth spell on Axl but he preferred to get the truth out of fear. 

Axl was confused on why this was an issue. He loved cake but he hasn't eaten any since his dinner last night. Every one of Axl's friends was terrified for Axl safety. He may be big but Monstrox was a very powerful wizard.

"CONFESS!" Monstrox hissed.

"Well, it is hard for me to remember a specific cake since the last time I had cake was last night but I always have cake since my mother makes an excellent cake." Aaron and Lance snickered at the remark. Macy, Clay, and Jestro gave the two a deadpanned look then they stopped. 

"I don't believe you. This cake was mine, and it was the most scrumptious cake in the entire world."

"My moms is better and I have even made a cake before and it was better then my moms because she told me so. "

Monstrox laughed. "Oh you could, could you? How can you be so sure unless you have another piece?" He grabbed Axl by the shoulder and forced him to sit in a chair next to a table on stage for everyone to see. "Sit down, Axl." He grabbed a black lid on a plate and lifted the lid. Under the lid was a large piece of chocolate cake.  Monstrox used his magic to create a large knife. 'There's that dark mist again. Why am I the only one who can see it?' Clay thought to himself. 

All of the children gasped fearing what Monstrox might do. "Here we go." He lifted the piece of cake with the knife and plopped the piece into Axl's hand. The piece could fit in his entire hand. "Smells chocolatey, eh? Now, eat it!" Monstrox said as he slammed his wand on the ground.

As much as Axl loved cake he had a feeling something was up so he looked and said, "Uh, no thanks. I'm good." Monstrox got up in his face and shouted, "EAT IT!"

Axl knew he had no choice as he started to bring a piece up to his face. Aaron was whispering silently against it. Jestro was sure it was poisoned. Macy and Lance were close to agreeing with their friends. Axl ate a small piece of the cake. "Hmm. Mmmm." Axl nodded in approval while Monstrox smiled evilly at the young boy. Axl continued to eat the cake since there seemed to be no danger. After about 5 minutes or so the large cake was gone and Axl was licking his fingers.

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