Chapter 20: Jungkook and his friends go to Japan

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  After a few days we did the camping, Jungkook and his friends had to go to Japan for a fan meeting.

I'm in my room watching dramas as always, because it's summer vacation and because I don't have anything else to do at the moment.

While I am in my room watching dramas, I hear something break.. *sound of a plate breaking*. What happened?

I go downstairs and I see mom looking at the floor with her hands up like 'I didn't do anything'. When she sees me she smiles awkwardly at me and sais:

Mom:"T-there was a... SPIDER on the plate! And I droped it."

SeolBi:"Wow mom! You're such a bad liar! Tell me the truth."

Mom:"Ok ok. It sliped off my hands while I was washing the dishes..."

SeolBi:"Good. Now let's clean this up."

After we cleaned up I told that I will clean the rest of the dishes so that she won't break another one.

After I washed the dishes I look in the fridge and take something to eat then go to my room.

Two hours later~

I was watching dramas ( 'cuz I don't have a social life) and then I got a message from Jungkook.

On the phone

SeolBi:"Miss you too

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SeolBi:"Miss you too.."

Jungkook:"Miss you more😚"


Jungkook:"What are you doing right now?"

SeolBi:"Watching some dramas because I have no social life.."

Jungkook:"Ok😂. So do you wanna video call?"


I accept the call and then we talked about how much we miss eachother and about how it was at the fan meeting

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

I accept the call and then we talked about how much we miss eachother and about how it was at the fan meeting. Then..

Jungkook:"So, there was a girl that came at the fan meeting and you'll be surprised about what she said."

SeolBi:"What did she say?"

Jungkook:" She said 'So Jungkook, you are together with a girl, right? So when are you gonna ask her to be your wife?' and I just stood there looking at her for good 12 seconds and then I said 'when we will finish school and when we will be adults'."

SeolBi:"Really?! That's what the girl said? Oh my god! I can't believe that. I thought that she wanted to take you away from me.."

Jungkook:"Don't worry. I will only look at you, not other girls. I promise."

SeolBi:"Ok. I believe you."


Jin:"Jungkookie! Come here for a bit!"

I could hear Jin saying to Jungkook to go somewhere.

SeolBi:"Jin is calling for you. You should go, we can talk later. Ok?"

Jungkook:"Ok. Bye, love you."

SeolBi:"L-love you too..😣😄"

I end the phone call and I look at the clock.

SeolBi:"It's 11 pm?! Ugh fine.. I cand watch the rest of the episode tomorrow..."

I close the laptop and then get ready for bed.

Hello everyone! Sorry for the short chapter but I didn't really know what to write.. And I moved to a different country as well. If you look in my bio, you can see that I'm from Romania, but on 26th this month I moved to England. And well.. I didn't really have time to think about what to write so yeah. Sorry again for this short chapter. Bye!😘

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