Chapter 5: Engaged?!

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We talked for like half an hour, then my mom showed up.

Mom:"Oh! There you are! I bought the dress, now let's go to buy make-up!"

W-wait.. what?

SeolBi:"B-but we have make-up allready, and I don't think we need more.."

Mom:"Fine then, I'll buy make-up for myself. Don't come to me to borrow some make-up!"😋

SeolBi:"Ok. I won't."

I could see that my mom wanted to tease me in front of my friends.Then I remembered that we have to go home really soon.

SeolBi:"Sorry guys, we have to go home. See you next time!"

All the boys:"Bye!"

We got home and my mom wanted to show me her dress.

Mom:"Ok so I bought this dress and it fits me really well. Want to see it?"

I didn't want to but I kinda had no choice..


Mom:"Ok, Wait here."

Mom got up stairs and got the dress from her bedroom.And she came back.

Mom:"Look at this beauty! The color is perfect for me and I love the design!"

Mom:"Look at this beauty! The color is perfect for me and I love the design!"

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Well, as long as she's happy, I'm happy :)

SeolBi:"Yeah, it's really beautiful!"

Mom:"Isn't it? Well, I'll go to the kitchen to make dinner."

SeolBi:"Ok. I'll go to my room."

I put all the things that I bought on the bed and thinking where to put them. The shoes that I bought I put them with the rest of my shooes, and the dress I just kept it in the box because I think it's good there as it is.

Soon my mom called me to come down stairs to eat.

Mom:"Darling, come to eat!"

SeolBi:"I'll be right there!"

While we were eating we talked about the party and where it is the place.It kinda sounded familiar, but I didn't think much about it.

A few days later..

Mom:"SeolBi!! Wake up! We need to get ready for the party!"

She pushed me off the bed and I woke up.

SeolBi:"Oww! Mom!"

Mom:"Get up and get ready. We have 3 hours to get ready!"

SeolBi:"We have timee...!"

The shy girl [Jungkook FF] Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin