Chapter 17

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"They voted me as a candidate for homecoming queen." I sighed.

"And this is good, bad, in between?" He asked.

"I don't know. What if they are just giving me pity? Or what if they're trying to mess with me?" We began walking.

"Let's talk to your brothers. I mean do you want to go?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Maybe a little. I mean being homecoming queen is kind of a spirit booster." I smiled a little, thinking how people may treat me different. "But I still hate pity points."

"Hey I understand." He nudged me a little.

Once was got home, I told my brothers what had happened. Some of them wanted me to go, others not. Devan was definitely not fond of the idea. Ryder said he had to be there, so he thought it would be alright. Alex and Tyler thought it was alright, but Mike was with Devan. Finally, Mike gave in, then Devan. I'm not sure I was happy with that or not. Only because I had been told of how much it such when a homecoming kid stepped out, I decided I'd go. I lead Zach up to my room, door wide open of course.

For our school, homecoming was big, but not prom dress big. You wore one cute dress. I slid on a teal dress that was tight in the mid section, the broke off into a flow until a little above the knee. Zach thought I look absolutely adorable, mostly because that was the one he wanted me to wear.

My brothers liked it too. I lightly curled my hair and put on some makeup. Just time to leave. I grabbed some flats since I will not limp on the field in heels. Ryder and Mike took me in. Zach came along too. Once we got there I was met by Max and Cassie too. Devan had some online classes to do, so I understood about that.

It was about ten minutes to show time and I was dragged into getting in place and set and everything. I was matching with a boy. I knew him. He was the guy Ryder had nailed in the face. He didn't even bother looking at me. We began walking out, all of us standing in a line. I knew my face was red. There was so many people here. Just so many. They called homecoming Prince and Princess. Both of them juniors. Then, the student body President of our school stepped up.

"Homecoming King, Justin Stagner." Everyone went wild. He was the star senior, Miley's old boyfriend. I had no idea if they were still together. HE stepped forward, smiling. I knew what was coming next. It was going to be Rachel. "And homecoming Queen...Lucy Smith!" He yelled. Everyone cheered as well. This day was too full of surprises. I stepped up carefully and slowly. A cheerleader, came out pinning something to the sash I had just got. A little girl stepped out onto the field and handed me my crow.

"Well thank you!" I smiled. She smiled before walking away. We smiled for a moment, pictures flashing.

"This one's for Miley." He whispered suddenly. I looked at him. The smile on my face now gone. All of the sudden all three of the other royalty stepped away. With a blink of an eye, liquid covered my entire body. It was ice cold as I brushed some from my face. I looked at the black paint around me, on me. There was silent for a moment. I looked at everyone around me. They looked at me. Some kids were holding back laughter. I stood in silence as the whole group never made a sound. I saw someone walk towards me. It was Zach. Zach and I had decided after my brothers knew, we wanted to keep it out of the school. I didn't want Zach feel the repercussions of being the kid that's dating the school freak.

Zach brushed the paint from my eyes face, but I still felt the coat it left. He brushed it onto his jeans. I turned my gaze from him, but his hands placed themselves on either of my cheeks, directling my head back so he could see my eyes. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"Zach, you shouldn't be right here. I don't want them to make fun of you." I spoke underneath my breath. He didn't seem phased by my words, but instead shot a glare behind me at I could only guess Justin.

"Rookie, take a step away." Justin scoffed. "She's a freak. You shouldn't lower yourself and feel bad." I saw Zach tense.

"Hey, Zach. Just listen to him. I am the loser of the school. You don't need to." I told him.

"Lucy, no. I'm not embarrassed. I would never be embarrassed to be around you alright? I don't even care what they think. I'm dropping football. I'm not being anywhere near them. They don't deserve my skill, if there is any." He laughed a little. "But seriously, I don't care. I love you. Yeah, I know. Strong words, but I don't care." I opened my mouth to respond, but I was stopped.

"Rookie!" I felt a hand shove me away, pulling my hand from Zach's. I watched Zach's face burn. His eye narrow as he pushed himself around Justin,making his way so he stood in front of me. "Don't be around her, you look-" Zach interrupted Justin.

"You don't lay a finger on her." Zach hissed to Justin. Justin looked taken back, in shock. The whole world around us seemed frozen. There were no voices, no interruptions, it felt like everyone was too afraid to breath.

"Yeah, what do you know, you're a freshman. You're the rookie. You're invisible." Justin responded after getting his witts back. I brushed some more paint from my face, out of my hair, and off my dress.

"I can make myself less invisible." Zach spoke with a threatening voice. I saw Justin fidget, but he stood still, a glare matching Zach's. Zach seemed happy with what he had just said. He moved his hands to the collar of his jersey. With a quick motion he took the jersey off and tossed it to Justin. Justin missed the catch, landing him a jersey in the face. Under Zach's jersey was a white, worn t-shirt. Zach chuckled as he walked over, picking me up bridal style. I laughed a little bit as we began to walk away while I slid my arms around his neck to support me.

"Zach, you didn't have to do that you know?" I questioned Zach, looking him in the eyes. He just smiled and shook his head.

"Yeah, I did, but I don't care. I'm happy to do it." Zach looked me right back in the eyes.

"Zach." I stated.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"I love you too." I replied.

"Alright kids." Ryder had his arms crossed as we approached him. "Maybe too close."

"Hey Ryder, Maybe a little too protective." I stated with a sly smile. 

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