Chapter 2:

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We got to lunch slowly. Once we arrived, I grabbed only a little bit of food and sat down at a table alone, trying to avoid my brothers at all cost. I really hated lying to them, but I would have to face them sooner or later. I prefered later. I sat alone for a moment which I didn't mind at all, but it took about 5 minutes for Max to sit across from me.

"Are you avoiding them?" He asked before biting into a something. Nothing was really appetizing right now.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"Oops, too bad." Max laughed a little.

"What?" I asked, but my question was soon answered.

"Hey sis!" Alex scooted me down from the end of the table and sat. Ryder sat on the other side of me and Mike and Tyler took places either side of Max. A few friends of my brothers filled in around.

"What happen?" They all said at the same time.

"I tripped and hit my head, that's all." I lied.

"Oh no." a girl sitting next to Mike spoke.

"What?" Ryder said.

"Your sister is getting eyed by Miley and her posse." She looked back to us.

"Do we need to be worried?" Alex asked.

"You said your sister was going out for cheer. If she wants in, you all better keep her happy." She bit into something on her plate. I flopped my head on the table, hitting it on the bruise, but I wasn't in the mood to flinch.

-----(cheer tryouts)----

"Okay ladies. There are a whole lot of you and have one spot open." I was in the middle of a group of about 50 girls. Miley was at the front directing. Apparently, she is lead cheerleader. "You have to get this down in one shot. Watch, I will not repeat." She went into a full cheer and dance with jumps and stunts, easy. She had all of us it on the side, letting us do it one by one. I was very last. Every single woman ahead of me failed other than 6. THey were promptly shooed away if they failed. I easily went through it. I heard some claps. I looked to my left, praying it wasn't my brothers. I looked to see 4 football player standing there watching. I got super red and went to stand with the other ladies.

"Next." Rachel explained how tricks, sass, and spirit are so important. She wanted each of us to show each of those. Each woman passed minus one. I easily did spirit and sass. Then I got to my trick stage, my favorite. I stood near the cheerleaders and went into a triple back handspring, to a two back twists, and finished by landing a backflip. I noticed a small crowd of football players gathering.

"Let's see some more." Miley crossed her arms. I turned to my side. I did 2 roundoffs, into another back handspring. Finishing it with a side aerial. "Front aerial." Miley called. I did it easily. She began calling out random things for me to do, each I did well at.

"Woah, Better watch out Miley, look like she is a little better." A football player spoke. I realized the whole team, even the coaches, were there. Miley looked from him to me to him. She stomped away in a huff.

"Lucy, you are in,. Better luck next year ladies." One of the other cheerleaders said. There was about 20 girls and 10 boys.

"Thank you, so much." I thanked them and they gave me a uniform. I was a chasse long sleeve with a Chasse skirt. Purple and white.

"Practice is over for today, but tomorrow. Don't worry about Miley, We can talk her down." The cheerleader said. I nodded and turned, sliding the uniform in my bag. I picked up both my bags and turned to leave. As I walked, I heard footsteps. Soon there was about 10 football players around me. They all had their bags, ready to go.

"Hey." A 6 foot one looked down at me. They all swarmed me, trying to talk. I felt a hand slap my butt. I turned around, looking around at about 3 boys laughing.

"Nice ass!" They laughed.

"Dudes, watch out. She's Smiths bro's sister." Jason from earlier said. All the boys stopped laughing. Some of them walked away, but some stayed.

"Pretty little girl wouldn't tell." One of them touched my face and I hit their hand away. I was out of school's boundaries, every boy still around. This was when I got nervous. The walk to my house was secluded, closed off, invisible. I sped my pace, they guys matching. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I quickened pace again, everyone matching again. My breath getting shorter. I could feel one of my famous panic attacks coming on. I saw my house in view, which I don't think many guys did. I saw my brothers, all of them, standing outside, waiting. I rushed in view and they all turned to me. The guys all got quiet when they saw my brothers. Alex came down next to me and pulled me away from the group.

"Did they touch you? Lay even a finger on you?" He asked. I didn't move, trying to slow my breathing.

"Okay guys go home. Go drool over another girl. This one is off limits!" Ryder yelled at them. They all flinched and when he finished they practically sprinted away.

"Breath." Devan lead me into the house. I caught my breath and jumped up.

"I have something to show you guys!" I smiled excitedly. I pulled out my uniform. They all smiled cheerfully. This was awesome. Being a cheerleader was one of my biggest dreams.

"I told you they couldn't reject you." Alex giggled.

"Lucy, about earlier, I'm sorry we weren't at practice." Mike motioned to himself and Ryder. "We could have fended them off."

"No it's okay. I get it. You guys are busy humans." I told them.

"Well, I say it's celebration dinner time." Devan said. We all ran to the kitchen, taking each of our seats.

-----(tomorrow after PE)----

Today had been mostly fine other than the black eye, bruised head, and bruised stomach I had. It was very painful, but I didn't show or let anyone know. I was in the locker room, shaking, ready for the torment from The group. I pulled on my shirt as they came by. I closed my locker, grabbing my hoodie to leave, but Miley stopped me.

"Is a walk home with all the football boys keeping every boy off you?" Miley asked Tara. Tara shook her head. "That's what I thought."

"I tried, but I swear, I would never be into them." I told her.

"Fine, we can let it slide this time." She sighed. "By the way does this hurt?" SHe brought her hand into my stomach. I leaned over. She hit her elbow on my back, causing me to fall to the ground, hitting my head on the tile. Thankfully it was just my bruise. "You might want to lose a little for cheer honey. Your stomachs a little thick." I got up and ran out to meet Max.

"Listen, I'm not in the mood for lunch, so I'm going to just walk." I told Max. He nodded and took off to the lunch room. This is a high school only school, so everyone take lunch at the same time. This school let's us just do whatever during lunch. If my brothers are eating, I guess I really don't have too. The halls were nice and quiet. Peaceful for just thinking. I just walked up and down halls, in the quiet. Most of the teachers that aren't in the lunchroom or patrolling the cafeteria are usually out eating so, no one was just randomly popping in. I began to hear footsteps. A whole bunch of them. I had no idea who it was, but I was nervous.

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