Chapter 11

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Lucy's POV
I could hear and see what they were doing.

"Lucy, It's doctor Robbins." I heard a familiar voice. " Listen. I'm going to need you to do something for me. No matter what you see. Do not go near that light. She spoke as she worked around me.

"We have to get her to the OR." Someone pointed out.

"Let's go!" She called out. "Running people!" I slowly turned my head. My body was absorbed by something warm. I looked to my left and saw my mother and father standing near.

"Lucy, come with us. We have been missing you." My mother's soothing voice spoke.

"Come Lucy." My father said. I became so tired all of the sudden, I was about to subside and close my eyes, but I heard Arizona.

"Lucy!" I looked back to my right. "Nope. You cannot close those eyes. Keep fighting it." She told me. "For your brothers." I fought with everything I had. Finally we reached the OR where they manually put me asleep.

Ryder's POV

------(6 hours later)-----

Devan had come back and it was just all of us waiting. Dr. Robbins came back in. We all stood up, nervous of what she was about to say.

"She is alive." Dr. Robbins said. We all took a breath of relief. "The surgery was a success, but she could easily tank. We need to watch her and be very careful. When I say very, I mean very. Just some heads up. She needs to be laying down. She has broken ribs that need to set. No walking at all. She has a crack in a leg and a break both in one leg. " She stood up and turned back the way she came. She stopped, turning back to us. "Oh, and guys. She is going to be in a lot of pain. She needs all the support you guys can give her. Come on." We stood up and followed her. The room she was in was much bigger than the last. Lucy was already waking up once we were inside.

"Before your brothers talk to you, I need to know who this was?" Dr. Robbins asked her.

"Mi..l..ey." Her words broken apart.

"Thank you." She said. Dr. Robbins walked out. We slowly approached Lucy's bed, fearful.

"Hey Lucy." Devan finally said and stepped right up next to Lucy's bed. I got to the other side of it.

"Hey." Her words were shaky. "This... is my... fault... I'm so... sorry." She managed to get out.

"Lucy. This isn't your fault." I told her.

"Yes" She told us.

"You can't blame yourself for what happened." Devan told her.

" And... for what... I am... putting... you... guys through..." She breathed.

"Lucy, you aren't putting us through anything." Alex pointed out. We knew she thought this was her fault. She blamed herself for putting us under the stress and pain she caused by being in pain. This was going to be a long rest of the early morning.

------(8 am)-----

We sat with Lucy. It was quiet the whole time. We were all just ready to know she was in the complete clear. No chance of her bottoming out. It was about 8 in the morning when Dr. Robbins walked in. Lucy was asleep.

"Can I talk to you all for a minute?" She asked us. They all got up but me. I stayed by her side.

"I don't want to leave her alone again." I told Dr. Robbins.

"If I have a nurse stay with her is that alright?" SHe asked. I nodded and stood up. Dr. Robbins waved over one of the male nurses. "Keep a watch on her." The nurse nodded and walked in as we left.

"We were going over Lucy after the surgery yesterday. It was a routine inspection. We found something." She told us.

"What did you find?" Devan asked.

"Were you with Lucy the entire time? Was she ever alone?" Doctor Robbins asked.

"She had brief times alone." Devan told her.

"We saw scars on Lucy. Most of them looked old, but when we look closer, some were very fresh." Dr. Robbins spoke quickly.

"Wait, you're saying she.." Max trailed off. Dr. Robbins nodded.

"Yes. Lucy is cutting." She spoke out loud. We all stood there, frozen in shock. "And this next question I am going to ask you guys is going to be hard, really hard. Do you want to me to call down someone from the 5th floor?" She asked.

"Psychiatric." Devan leaned up against the wall.

"Max, Zach, can you go stay with Lucy for a while?" I asked. They seemed to understand and walk back to the room. "Can we have time to talk it over for a little?" I asked Dr. Robbins. She nodded and walked away.

"Do we have a choice? She needs help that we can't give her." Tyler spoke first.
"We are not putting out sister in mental hospital." Alex differed. The three of our brothers went back and forth. I looked to Devan who was at a loss of words.

"What do you think?" I leaned up against the wall next to him.

"I don't think I could do it?" He responded. "She is in enough pain. If we let them take her, we would just be leaving her, deserting her."

"I think you're right." I replied.

"Guys, we can't give her to them." Alex turned to us, finally seeming they had agreed. I nodded in response.

"You guys decide yet?" Dr. Robbins walked over to us once we stood silent for a moment.

"Don't call them, we can help her." I spoke up.

"Medically, I am supposed to tell you to reconsider. Personally, I think you made the right choice." She explained. We headed back to Lucy's room where she was still asleep. We sat around the room. Devan and I still on either side of her bed.

----(1 ½ weeks later)-----

Lucy is been much better. She can sit up, talk, but things were painful. She tried to hide it from us, but we knew. Today, they were releasing her. We were in a separate room from Lucy with Doctor Bailey. A general Surgeon that had helped with Lucy. She had been Lucy's second doctor. If Dr Robbins wasn't around Dr Bailey was. There was also a number of other doctors inside too. Lucy had a way of charm. Even though these doctors weren't her direct doctors, they still liked her.

"Okay boys." Bailey started. "We are going to do this one doctor at a time. Dr Torres."

"Your sister has a crack that splits across her femur on her right leg. She also broke her fibula. We put in things to stabilize those. As long as she doesn't go walking or falling she is going to be fine." Dr Torres explained.

"Lucy's scratches and cuts will heal fine as long as the bandages stay on until I see her next time." Dr Sloan explained with his tacky grin at the end.

"Lucy's been staying stable so no more damage has been done but you need to keep on those pills or those seizures could damage her brain." Dr Sheppard explained.

"Her heart is stable. It's the same thing with the seizures, but also with her panic attacks. With her body weak like this a panic attack could do a lot more harm then they usually do." Dr. Altman told us.

"She can not have that stomach hit again. She needs to be relaxed and calm." Dr. Bailey told us. 

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