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oooo a third chapter! IN ONE WEEK?! WOAH!! I'm sorry...

- C R A V I N G R E V E N G E -

Thomas finished his story, only a few tears sliding down his face.

Everyone stared in shock. Even Cobalt! And he seen death happen right before him, gory sights, but this... this was just sad.

"Wow, That was depressing. Loosing your parents at a young age like that, just... wow" Cobalt commented, his expression now saddened. "But enough of that, let's continue. Hmm..?"

Thomas nodded, wiping the few stray tears.

Even after so many years, he still cries over his dead parents. Some would say, pathetic. But your not him. You don't feel his pain.

Tord, Edward, and Mathew was in shock after Thomas's story. It was really depressing what he had to go through.

"Okay, so the Red Leader doesn't show his face to a lot of people. Only half his army knows! By the way, Red Leader, I'm apart of the Black Army. A spy in yours." Cobalt paused to give out a demonic chuckle. "But now, the only one who actually cares for you, and you care for, is going to put a bullet in your head. How exciting, can't you agree?"

"Spit it out already!" Thomas growled, he was sick of waiting. He held his gun tightly. After he said who Red Leader was, he was going to shoot Cobalt then came his revenge.

"Alright, jeez. No patience with you. Ugh, it's Tord-" After that, Cobalt collided with the ground. Blood spilled from the bullet wound in the middle of his forehead.

Tord couldn't speak. He wanted to. He wanted to tell Thomas that he hates the Army. But he just... couldn't.

"How could you..." Thomas whimpered, looking down at his feet. "I didn't think you... of all people... would be the deadly, dangerous, and feared Red Leader... Hah... I'm pathetic... I should of known... you never spoke of where you came from... only saying Norway... I should of never trusted you..." Thomas rambled, turning around.

Tord wanted to scream so badly. But he was frozen. He couldn't do anything. He felt so... so useless, hopeless, and defenceless.

Thomas pointed the gun towards Tord, then looked up at him. Tears were slowly starting to stream down his cheeks.

"I thought I could trust you... but I guess I was wrong..." Thomas spoke coldly.

The one person he cares for most and trusted was a traitor, a liar, and a Leader of an Army that's taking over the world!

Before Thomas could shoot, Mathew stood in the way, defending Tord.

"Tom! Don't shoot him! Let him explain!!" Mathew begged, a few tears slipping.

"What is there to explain?! He's the fucking Red Leader!!" Thomas shouted, now tears streaming down his cheeks. "Now move, Mathew, or I'll be forced to shoot you too..."

"Look at yourself, Tom! I know you don't want to do this! And you don't have to!" Edward yelled, joining in the argument.

"I have to Edd! You don't understand!! If I kill the Red Leader, then there's no one to lead the Army!!" Thomas shouted at Edward.

"Think, Thomas! Do you want to kill Tord?" Edward asked in a shout.

Thomas widened his eyes, looking down. "No..." he mumbled, "But that doesn't change that he's the Red Leader!"

"Listen to yourself! You sound fucking mad!" Edward shouted again, he only swears when he's really mad or pissed.

"But I made a promise if I ever, EVER get this chance, I WOULD KILL THE LEADER OF THE RED ARMY!!!" Thomas shouted, raising his gun again. "MATHEW MOVE NOW OR YOU HAVE TO BE SHOT TOO!!"

Thomas is going insane... come on Tord... say something anything...

Tord thought, finally words leaving his lips.

"Thomas, fine! Kill me!! Have the satisfaction of killing the Red Leader! But never knowing his plans, Army, and life. Would you still kill him?!" Tord shouted past Mathew.

Tears were now streaming down both the boys cheeks.

670 words
I know, it's short.

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