"Jesus, woman!"

"Ok, look, baby, I have to go now and get settled in, but I'll definitely talk to you later, kay? Before I go to bed."

"You got it. Go do what you gotta do, baby." I encouraged.

Lena winked at me one more time and, before I had a chance to hang up, she said:



"Thanks for being so supportive."


After hanging up with Lena, I realized there was no use in trying to be productive when I was that broken and missed her that much, so I decided to binge watch Grey's Anatomy and eat a lot of junk food. I ended up crying myself to sleep and forgetting she would call me.

So, the next morning, I saw a text she had sent:

"Tried calling u. Everything ok? Call me 💕"

I immediately called her, but got her voicemail. A few minutes later, another text from her: "cant talk. At a meeting"

I got up, went to the gym and tried to forget everything about us missing each other.

As soon as I got home from the gym, I looked up plane tickets online and found some for a great price. I decided to buy them for the next month and suprise Lena. I knew I had a lot of days off to take, so it wouldn't be a problem at the paper.

Then, as I shut off my laptop, Lena FaceTimed me and I smiled.

I picked my phone up smiling at her. "Well, hello, you!"

"Hi, babe, how's it going?" She said, smiling at me as she walked somewhere.

"I'm good. Where are you going?"

"Oh, sorry to be walking like crazy, but I just got out of a meeting with the professors, you know, get to know everyone... and I'm meeting a colleague for lunch in a few minutes." She answered, a bit in a hurry, but always smiling.

"Busy woman. Having meetings during the weekend," I commented.

"Well, it is only a three months. We need to make them really count."

"Right. *Only* three months," I rolled my eyes at her.

Lena laughed. "Come on, baby. Now let's talk about you. Where were you when I called?"

I sighed. "Sleeping."

"Past 11? That's unusual."  She raised her eyebrow.

"Yeah, I stayed up all night binge watching Grey's Anatomy, so I only woke up at noon and then went to the gym." I said, skipping the part in which I cried all night.

"Did you eat junk food, Stefanie Marie?" Lena asked me in a mother tone of voice.

I smirked. "So what if I did, a little bit?"

"Goodness. I want you to stay healthy for me for the next 3 months, ok? Can you do that?"

I chuckled. "What, you afraid I'm gonna get fat by the time you get here? I did go to the gym, you know?"

"Oh my God, no. First of all, you're beautiful and there's no way I care about how much you weigh. I just need you to stay healthy, okay? For me? For you?"

"Okay, love, I'll try to eat pizza only 3 times a week." I said.

"You know I only have a couple of minutes to talk and you spend it by teasing me?" Lena asked.

"Ah, one of my favorite hobbies," I argued.

"Jesus, you really are a lost cause," she shook her head and her steps got slower until she stopped walking.

"You gonna give up on me then?" I asked.

"Never. Listen, I have to go inside now, I can't be late for my thing, but I do love you and miss you, you crazy journalist."

"I adore you, lover." I said in a british accent, making Lena laugh and wink at me.

Hello, all! I'm kinda embarrassed to even be posting this after so long, but I figured some of you would still read it. Anyways, please fill me in on your thoughts! :)

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