The Rally

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(A.N.:  The song above is sung by a group called Voctave and they sing like angels.)

The long awaited day was finally upon the students of Radiant Academy:

The first home football game of the season.

I'm actually excited for it, despite the fact that I really have no grasp of even the most basic aspects of the sport known as football. I'm interested in seeing this entirely different side to the high school experience that I've never had the chance to experience before this year.

The school is buzzing about the game tonight, and oddly enough, it's not just the jocks. Today, the school is covered in ivory and gold and there isn't a single student who isn't wearing some form of school spirit. The headmasters even allowed the Art Department to help out by setting up a body paint booth in the Courtyard so now I can't go two seconds without seeing someone either covered head to toe in paint, or with just a few little accents here and there.

Everyone is just eating up the whole 'school spirit' vibe that the school has and for once, I can't tell the difference between the jocks and the artists. Normally, I would be bouncing off the walls with excitement and I too would be covered head to toe in paint, but the Headmasters have other plans for me it seems. 

Yesterday, when I was in my meeting with Headmistress Willow (which is an entirely different story) Headmaster Storm had the grand idea to have some people from the choir sing a song at the pep rally.

With a less than a day's notice.

So now, two periods away from the rally, I'm racking my brains trying to figure out what to perform and who to perform it with.

Currently, I'm in choir and we're rehearsing one of our possible options for the Fall Festival, a song from the musical Man of La Mancha since we just found out that the theme of the Fall Festival is going to be songs from musicals. The song we're doing is called The Impossible Dream, and quite honestly, at this point I'm debating using it for the pep rally.

I have no idea what we're going to sing and this is the only song that I can think of that we have completely down.

I'm totally freaking out and the fact that I have to worry about learning about ten other songs for choir on top of this definitely isn't helping.

"Alright, you guys, we need a plan of attack." I said to my friends as the choir room cleared out.

Technically, there's still forty minutes left in the period, but since Mrs. Sapphire knows what Headmaster Storm wants for the pep rally, she let us have a free day after we rehearsed one of the possible songs that we could be doing for the Fall Festival, which is called The Impossible  Dream. The theme for the Fall Festival is musicals, apparently, and Mrs. Sapphire wrote this beautiful arrangement of one of the main songs from the musical Man of La Mancha and she gave Vanessa the solo, making me incredibly proud of her.

"We really don't have much to work with here." Vanessa handed us multiple copies of sheet music for songs we sang in the past. "This is choir, the most upbeat thing we sing are gospel songs and the rest are either in Latin or vaguely religious."

"We don't have many options, unless you wanna pull out some show tunes?" Julian remarked sarcastically, waving around some sheet music for Rent.

I rolled my eyes and kept on looking, knowing that Seasons of Love probably wouldn't be the best choice for the rally.

"Let's see... Ah! What about The Impossible Dream? It's inspirational, right?" Meadow offered, picking up the sheet music.

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