Chapter 5: Just a normal day in the sewers

Start from the beginning

"She's not my girl." Donnie sighes as he then takes his own seat,  concentration residing on his features as he focuses more on the details of the screen. "I just saved her, that doesn't mean I have interest in her!"

"You have interest in all the girls you save."

 Donnie whips his head to look at Raph, glaring at him. 

"No I don't! You have no proof."

And it was at that statement that Raph looks over his comic to Donnie, a blank look on his face, "April."

"That doesn't mean I'm interested in every girl I save!" Donnie insists as he turns to look back at the TV. His eyes then widen when seeing something. "Whoa wait! Pause it!"

Having the power Mikey paused the TV, Raph's comment cutting into the brief silence, "that sounded alot like interest to me Donnie."

"No, look." Donnie gets closer to the screen for a better look, his other brothers joining him as they wonder what exactly caught Donnie's interest. The purple terrapin then points to the stretcher where the girl was, a faint green mist seeming to surround her. "See that?"

"Yeah, so?" Raph asks not having much of an interest in it, however Leo took Donnie seriously as he paid more attention to that strange mist. 

"What is that?" Leo wonders. 

"My point exactly! It's weird." 

"Maybe the girl is just really stinky?" Mikey offers using cartoon logic for his reasoning. 

"Or maybe our TV is just really old?" Raph says blankly, not at all caring about this. 

Donnie just shakes his head at the both of them, "no! This is important. Look, that girl was locked in Murakami's storage room for a reason and now she's got this weird mist around her. There has to be a reason."

Silence greets that until Raph decides to break it, "who thinks Donnie just has a problem with falling for girls he saves?"

At that all three brothers raise their hands further annoying Donnie. 

Everyone then proceeds to walk away, returning to what they were doin before. Donnie just glances back at the screen one more time before walking off, his mind whirling. 

But Donnie wasn't exactly wrong to be paying attention to the girl on the stretcher. For some distance away is another person paying attention to her existence through the TV screen. And from this person you can gather that they're very displeased with what they're seeing, their grip on the remote so strong that it shatters. 

"Hun." Comes a low and enraged growl. The man mentioned is kneeling, his face bowed down to stare at the ground  "You have failed me once again." The tension in this dark throne room rises with each word that's uttered from this mysterious figure. "I told you to get rid of the girl, I can't let there be any competition!" His voice raises at the end as he suddenly stands up from his large throne, lunar rays  reflecting off of this man as they hit metal. 

"Master, I am sorry." Comes a careful reply from Hun. "Please forgive me, I thought that-" 

"Silence!" Shouts the man's master. He walks towards Hung, the light of the full moon slipping over his armour and gaunlets that he wears.  Hun looks up at this man, awaiting  his punishment that he has seen given to many others.

"I do not have the patience to listen to your excuses." Is all that the man says. "Karai."

The girl emerges, her hair short, black and styled with blonde dyed underneath it. She kneels beside Hun looking up at the man. 

"Do what Hun can't. Kill the girl."

She nods but before she can get up and leave a female voice speks from the shadows, "that is not necessary Oroku Saki." 

The man turns to the direction where the voice is coming from, his eyes narrowing into slits, "what did you say?"

The voice speaks again, "I said that it is not necesarry for you to kill the girl in order for your plan to succeed. Keep her alive, she will be of more use to you if the first attempt fails."

"Are you certain?" 


Silence stretched out between them as Oroku Saki considers what the voice just told him. He speaks again.


The girl just stares up at her father. 

"Capture the girl and bring her to me."

She smirks and looks to Hun who gives her a glare.

"I won't fail you, father." She bows before exiting their hideout.


The Wolf by Siames 

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