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The cool mist air blew against Percy's hair as he stood on a hill overlooking the waves. It's been 3 months and his father never contacted him. After relentless amounts of golden drachmas and procrastination, the God hasn't ever responded to anyone of them. He must have a thick head like a bull. If at all, Percy missed his father. The days where he would visit was long in the past, and his hope was diminishing every passing day.  

Percy looked out amongst the waves, absentmindedly. He hoped that his father got the iris messages, but he couldn't but wonder why he never replied back. Perhaps he was out-fishing? Nonsense. Complete bullshit. His calm facade turned into a scowl. If the sea god really was ignoring him, what was the point of fighting for them? The gods ignored them, so why can't they give them the silent treatment as well?

Cause they're gods. They'll smelt you like a bug. Percy's inner thoughts didn't agree with his attitude.

"Percy!" Annabeth was calling out again. She often caught him looking towards the sea. Many a time, she would ask what was bothering him. What does She not know?

Percy turned back, and have a grim smile. All he could hope for is that she possibly could have found out new stuff about the gods, and perchance why they were hiding. The chances were slim, incredibly slim. In his world, there was no harm for hopes.

He shook his head, he shouldn't be so selfish. The gods had other things to do at this time, especially getting the minor gods on their side. If the wine god was accepted back, something bad was stirring up trouble. Many wouldn't go to Dionysus for help, In fact many gods didn't bother looking for him at centuries a time. After all Percy has been through, he wasn't sure of he wanted to know. It could be a large demigod-eating-tortilla for all he knew.

Besides, even the gods don't know what's going on. Except, a couple of mishaps here and there, it was a completely normal summer. So far. This right Percy, it's always a 'so far'. What he really meant was that things will get worse.

Shaking his stupid thoughts away, Percy raced down the hill towards the girl and waved back. For some unexplainable reason, he felt more protective towards Annabeth as the days went on. If the gods didn't respond back, he will. At least to the ones close to him.

"Had your dad responded yet?" She looked hopefully up at Percy. Her stormy gray eyes calculated his gaze every second. "We need as much help as we can."

Percy looked at Annabeth, so far the lights on her cabin always went off around midnight. For all he knew, Annabeth hadn't been sleeping well. She stated up most of the night with Chiron, trying to find out all these mystical attacks. A surge of guilt filled Percy, he should have been doing more to help.

"Not yet. I think he might be busy with his own stuff. I mean isn't it the gods job to get some minor gods on our side?" Percy shook his head dejected. A small smile lot up his face, he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Let's go, there's not more we can do at the moment. All we can do is wait for a gods damn sign."

Annabeth looked miserable as well. "Athena stopped as well...I don't know why. She's supposed to be helpful in a time like this. She's like a protector." She angrily kicked a pebble. "Well, supposed to be. Who knows what she is up too."

"I mean....they always leave the fighting for us." Percy shrugged. "They never really cared that much."

"Don't say that!" Annabeth was angrily shaking her head. "If they hated us so much then they would've wiped us out a long time ago."

Percy solemnly stares at the pebble that she kicked. "They closed the Empire State Building as well...isn't that proof enough that they don't want to talk with us? Here we are, kicking pebbles and praying to the gods."

𝖨𝗇𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖮𝖼𝖾𝖺𝗇 (𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘢𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘩)Where stories live. Discover now