The 'Punishment'

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Now... I guess it was time to ignore that massive prick. Time to be going about my daily life as usual.

That kid must really not have his head on straight if he thought I'd come over to fight him later~

Now, how was Merilin progressing?

I walked back to my parents room Then, dropped my jaw in shock after seeing the burnt walls...!

She used them as target practice for her Spell...

Hah... I should have expected as much from a little girl who was only about seven year old.

Even if she outwardly looked mature for her she like myself, she's still a child. She wasn't me...

It seemed like she was also able to gain insight to manipulating lightning using artificial storm clouds.

She gained a lot while I was away trying to experiment with my new Lightning Spell.

It looked like she had ridiculously bad control over the new 'Lightning' Spell we created together.

"Merilin, that's enough! Do you want to burn the room down?" I reprimanded my sister in order to wake her up from her trance. She quickly reacted after hearing my voice before paling in fear.

"Big Brother.... Please help me keep this a secret from mom and dad!" She cried in tears while begged me to help out.  She definitely understood the severity of the situation she was in...!

I didn't answer her and instead used my Mana to slowly fix the walls using Earth Ether.

The damage done wasn't able to be fixed with my abilities, but I was still able to make it look less like she was intentionally destroying stuff. Damn, this kind of thing wasn't something I'd usually do...

I was only doing it for HER sake... yup...

Hah... This was pretty bad...

It's not like anything of the Swordwick Household was ordinary. Even the walls of this mansion weren't something that that could have been easy to beak. They had all been reinforced before.

Is this the power of Blue Lightning? I couldn't help but feel that the overpowering strength of this magic was beyond my expectations.

Maybe the power of Blue Lightning was what made up for its lack of anti-magical properties.

My Lightning Spell may not have the ability to replicate Anti-Magic as of this moment...

...but it's enough to fight!

I wouldn't lose to her if we fought, right...?

Now that I thought about it:

I really WAS a living cheat, wasn't I?

Universal Specialists that had all five Affinities were rare to the point that there are only a hundred of them in the entirety of Gaia. And as one of them, I know innately of things that others wouldn't.

I knew that the unpredictability of understanding how to use all forms of elements at once... was what makes Universal Specialists such special existences. They were 'better' than normal ones.

Others could only use one or two Affinities, while others like my sister and parents only had one.

I myself might not have had the Magical Talent advantage others did, but I'm certain that the Magic Arts I'd created would help me survive anything! Especially after adding my 'Martial Arts'...

In the ten years I'd been living, the synergy between my use of both 'Arts' had increased.

Technical fighting techniques that didn't match what I'd learnt through my Battle Affinities weren't easy to synergise. They had a habit of not conforming to the nature of a specific element.

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