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"I broke the cycle?

Isn't that giving me too much credit?

After all, the only thing I did was die miserably...


How could an old man who had only 'lived' in this alternate world for a few seconds... change ANYTHING?" With a look of disbelief, my arms trembled like my body was chilly. It weirded me out.

Even after accepting the fact that I was summoned twice at the same time, my mind was wary.

There's no way an old man like me could have done anything significant. Especially not enough to make an actual difference!

"You may not be able to believe it, but I'm telling is the truth! The fact that you existed was something which changed the entirety of Gaia and its residents as they knew it.

To the point that both Druids and Fiends stopped their endless war and formed a peace treaty in reconciliation." The faceless man seemed amused by my reaction. Was this really that funny?

He answered my question in a sincere tone of voice, but I felt the urge to punch that face of his.

"Just get to the point." My fingers felt itchy. I'm sure my diseases were fully suppressed, so why...?

Maybe it was just habit. They say that stress could cause the sudden itchiness to be stronger at times.

I hate it when other people beat around the bush.

It usually meant they're hiding important details!

"The summoning ceremony normally picked someone from your world as a wielder randomly.

If you were to have just been summoned by the side the Druid Race, it wouldn't have mattered if you were old or not. Age has nothing to do with the initial strength of a wielded of such a weapon.

The Divine Sword of Light would have empowered you with enough strength to fight the wielder of the Divine Sword of Darkness anyway.

With that power given by the Divine Sword, you would have been able to live until the next summoning ceremony with no problems, but the incident that happened at that time were out of the entire world's expectations.

You were caught in both the 'Totem Summoning' and 'Hero Summoning' ceremonies at the same time.

Your entire being was split into two bodies after you had been summoned, and a weakened version of you appeared in the lands of both races as a result.

You were already weak due to age, but after having your life-force split due to the summoning ceremony, both clones of your existence that appeared in Gaia died straight after the ceremonies had been completed.

However, your story doesn't end there.

You wouldn't know this, but there were a lot of things that happened to your strong soul following after your sudden departure." The faceless man stopped for a moment.

He pridefully glanced at my shocked expression before he continued his long explanation.

"The Divine Sword of Light decreed the protection of the Druid Race and eradication of the Fiend Race, while the Divine Sword of Darkness decreed just the opposite of its most despised archenemy.

Even after your death, the powerful empowerments these two Divine Swords you possessed still continued to affect your soul.

However, the contradiction in the decrees that restricted your actions caused the Divine Swords to attack one another. It was just like the sacred and revered Gods that created them.

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