chapter 4 Ashadam{why was i thinking of her?}

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why don't you go and meet her! Shiva advised to his brother..

Did you also went to meet your wife? Dhaksh asked his brother eagerly..

Of course I did,. Shiva said..

What if I go and meet her now?
Luckily it's just 1hr distance between us, dhaksh said getting up from his seat..

Yes go ahead,. Shiva encouraged him..

Thank you bro don't say to mom & dad, dhaksh pleaded his brother..

I promise I won't, come soon Shiva shouted watching his little brother running out..

Why am I this crazy? I just want to see her it's almost 3 weeks since she left but didn't called me once also,.

I parked my car outside and stood at my in-laws home.. Maybe wrong timing I guess why so many lady batch are here? Dhaksh thought..

Namastae, pls come in my father-in-law warmly greeted me..

I took his blessings and he took me inside,. Everyone staring at me and started Mumuring between them,.

In that some old lady came to me and said "you are looking handsome"
I smiled in answer, I was searching for my wife but no one is telling me about her?

Granny  noticed  my eager looks and asked me "Am I looking for my wife?"

I nodded and smiled at that old lady..

Your wife just after knowing you came she ran to her room, granny said smiling..

She follows traditions very much, we left everything behind but she still follows that,. "Want to meet her?" Granny asked..

I smiled to her saying, "Yes" please..

Granny let me go after everyone got busy in their work,.

"The door was opened and so I went inside searching for her..

"Tapasvi standing in the balcony and bending down as if she wants to see someone!"

I went near to her and said Hii..

She jumped in fear, and ran to the curtain hiding herself,. I didn't even see her face also!

When i moved towards her,.

"STOP" she said..

But why? Dhaksh asked..

We shouldn't see each other it's tradition,. She said..

Why did you ended my call?

Because I kept mehendi (not packed its pure leaves grinded into paste, it generally takes 6-7 hrs in drying) she showed her hands and feet,. My relatives kept my phone on speaker so I ended it before they make fun of you, she said..

I smiled looking at her possessiveness..

OK I want to talk to you, saying that I removed the curtain between us just to see her,. She turned other side 🙄🙄.

No, if we won't see each other our relation would become more stronger pls,. she pleaded me,.

Ok I'll leave now at least tell me when you're going to come? Dhaksh asked tapasvi..

In five days she replied..

OK I'll come to pick you up, He said..

She nodded her head,.

OK at least show me your hands with mehendi, dhaksh pleaded..

She kept her hands back showing to her husband without turning around..

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