Villain is back

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What happened garima why are you looking sad? ??? Buaji asked looked at her sad face.

Jiji wo...... garima paused not knowing how to say.

You're sad because of our delay in metting them right??? Buaji asked making her nod.

Don't worry after we can leave shashi babuwa here we'll go . Why are you worry...... buaji asked looking at her still tensed face.

I don't know jiji I feel like something is going to happen. Meri bacchi tho thik hogina ( my child will be alright na) ...... garima said in slightly frightened tone.

Don't worry about them nk bitiya is there na. And we are also going after two days so relax..... buaji assured her though she was also worried for her titliya.


Khusi was crying silently looking at the scene unfolding in front of her eyes. She never thought this day would come in her life.

Khusi what happened? Why are you crying????payal asked concernedly looking at her sister. Not getting any response she too followed her gaze but frowned not getting what was so wrong that made her sister cry.

Come with me....... payal made her sit in near by chair before kneeling down in front of her.

Now say what happened??? payal asked rubbing her tears.

Oh jiji.. arnavji. ........ khusi wishpered in barely audible tone

Now, what he did???payal asked little confused. With what she saw there was nothing wrong. He was doing his work.

He was crying....... khusi wishpered. Payal rolled her eyes listening to that. Her sister was one of kind.

Lo... He was crying cutting onions so you started your water work....... payal asked in disbelief. She had seen arnavji cutting onions.

Haan tho he never cries jiji...... khusi explained sobbing cutely.
Payal could only chuckled at that.

Ok so you started crying not being able to see his tears...... payal asked directly. These two so confused her. At one moment her sister was ready to murder arnavji and next moment she would start crying seeing him in any kind of trouble.
While khusi looked at her jiji with confused expression. Ya why was she crying she thought confused.

Who brought that poster??? payal asked looking at salman khan poster behind them seeing khusi lost in her own world and not replying to her question.

Of course me who else....... khusi replied looking dreamingly at the poster .

You know if it was in my hand I would have married you to your salmanji........ payal said pulling her cheeks.

Really...... khusi asked all excited, arnavji long forgotten.

What the.... what really???? And payal i didn't expect this from you...Arnav shouted glaring at both of them. He was over the moon when she said she was crying not being able to see his tears. He was so sure that she would right away deny payal's offer but no instead of denying she was all excited.

I'm warning you khusi. You're mine and will be always mine. And remember are not allowed to think about anyone other than me. If you talk about that actor again I dont what will I do. Just forget about him...... arnav warned in full asr tone making khusi roll her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2019 ⏰

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