—In fact... I hope you never ever approach to my brother... — he commented coldly — someone who allows the enemy to manipulate him so easily don't even deserve to belong to the nobility of the kingdom... —

—I'm sorry... I'm really sorry... — she apologized again. This time Julius could clearly hear that she was crying but when he tried to approach her to calm her down, (Y/N) pulled her father's arms away with a slap before putting her hands in front of her and making a slight bow towards Leopold—I'm sure that Jinrei won't be do it again but... if it's what you really want, I'll never approach your brother again... It's more... I swear I will never again show my face in front of you or anyone else in the Vermillion family... — finally she could no longer contain the sadness and slowly the tears began to slide down her cheeks. She took her hands to the necklace that his father had previously given her and tore it off with such force that it ended up breaking the fine chain that held that red stone —... and with that in mind, I think it's best it all this end right now... — she threw the stone to the ground and opened a dimensional portal next to her—father... you do not need to look for me, I'll be out for a few days...—

Without any more to say, (Y/N) quickly crosses the portal that disappeared seconds after. Julius went to where the stone was and picked it up to then approach Leopold and shows him that stone.

—Here... it's from your family after all... — Julius commented while Leopold stares confused at the stone that the Sorcerer Emperor was showing him — now that the engagement is officially broken, I do not see the need to keep this with me... —

—But isn't this the third eye of the lion king? But why she... —

—Because Fuegoleon gave it to (Y/N) as a symbol of the engagement they both had. Even after (Y/N) was kidnapped, he said that as long as she did not want to end that engagement, it would still stand until she says the contrary; and even if he dies, the engagement would be transferred to someone else in the family... — Julius revealed.

— Wait... then (Y/N) was... my brother's fiancée? — He screamed surprised as he bent down slightly and took his hands to his head to stir his hair — but if she was not trying to curse him or kill him... what was that green light that I saw when I got to the room? —

—Ancient Elven Magic of the Ieri Kardia clan... — replied Heilig who appeared near the bed to better appreciate what (Y/N) had done. —The spell she was using is called 'Phoenix Lament'— Heilig's eyes were filled with amazement and emotion at the same time; he smiled and could not contain all the joy he felt at that moment so much that he began to talk to himself— I never thought that you was still able to use that beautiful magic that I fell in love in the past... I never thought I would be able to see again this wonderful magic that you possessed, (Y/N)... —

—Heilig... What do you mean by magic of the Ieri Kardia clan? What is that 'phoenix lament'? —Julius asked suddenly at the strange words that Heilig was murmuring to himself at that moment.

—Oh, it's true... I forgot that you do not have any record of the Magic of the Ieri Kardia Clan... Well, I'll explain it then... The 'phoenix lament' is a healing spell with a high level of complexity. This is among the most powerful spells within the Ieri Kardia clan along with several elemental spells; this spell, unlike any other healing or restoration magic, is able to heal from minor wounds to deadly wounds, remove the remains of wounds such as burns or scars, recover limbs or even vital organs or in certain cases, is also capable of bring back the dead. What (Y/N) tried to do unconsciously was to restore the missing arm of Fuegoleon and also help him wake up from this coma... See? —He said raising Fuegoleon's right arm to show them that he was not lying and that (Y/N) was not trying to do anything bad.

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