4.- Obstacles

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—And tell me (Y/N)... weren't you the girl who gave a cloak belonging to the azure deer to Lil several days ago? —Yami asked seriously. The moment he mentioned that, Asta and Magna reacted in the same way and turned to see (Y/N) wanting to know if she was really that girl or not. (Y/N) at first seems confused because she could not understand what they were talking about but when she remembered that night, she nodded to Yami's words.

—Yes, it was me... —she answered without any fear. Yami smiled at the great luck of having managed to run into the girl that the Magic Emperor wanted to find and although he was really interested in the reward he is offering for her, he first want to know what's so special about this girl that Julius want to find her so desperately.

—Yami-san... you are not thinking about giving her to the Magic Emperor, are you? —Magna asked, noticing the smile on his captain's face.

—No—he replied coldly—if the Magic Emperor is looking for her in such a desperate way, it means that she must have some kind of secret. If possible, I would like to know it before letting her go with him...—

—But wouldn't that be...—

—Who cares? In itself we are already the worst order of all—he said in a mocking tone— even if we take her with him, our reputation will not improve, so why not just keep her by our side a little more? —Yami approached (Y/N) to appreciate her better. Being such a simple and innocent girl, she didn't seem to have anything special, much less she had the face of someone who did something wrong. —And tell me, do you have where to stay? — He asks. (Y/N) denied at those words. —Perfect. Then you'll stay with us ... —he said to literally take her by the collar of her hood and drag her to the castle.

In the lobby of the place, (Y/N) was received with the surprise looks of the rest of the members of the Black Bulls especially of Finral who didn't hesitate a single second and approached her to flirt.

—What is a beautiful girl like you doing in a place like this? —He asked, taking her by the hand and bringing his face close to her. (Y/N) didn't blush as much as when Caelus did that but it was enough to cause her to get nervous and use her magic unconsciously and make the young man float away from her and keep him in the air in case he tries to do something again

—Oh... what an interesting magic that girl has... although I don't think this is the reason why the Magic Emperor is looking for her...— Yami commented in a low voice. (Y/N) noticing what she had done, she apologizes to Finral before lowering him to the ground— She is (Y/N) and from today she will stay with us... not as a member of the Black Bulls but as a guest... — Yami said once they were all completely silent–...but now that I think about it...since we haven't prepared a room for you, you will have to stay with someone meanwhile...—

—Let her stay with me, captain... —Finral said more than excited for the idea.

—And take the risk that something can happen to her? No thanks. If that's the case, is more preferable if I let her sleep with me...— he said somehow annoyed—And what do you say, Vanessa... do you think you could let (Y/N) stay with you for a couple of days while we prepare a room for her? —

—There is no problem captain... —the woman with pink hair answered. She stopped drinking to approach (Y/N) and greet her better—Nice to meet you, (Y/N)... and welcome the Black Bulls— she said taking (Y/N) by her arm and start pulling her to her room— Come on. My room is in this way ... —


The next morning, (Y/N) woke up before Vanessa and began to wander around that large castle while trying to get acquainted with the surroundings if she would have to stay for a while in that place. During her walk, the girl met with Asta who was doing his morning duties.

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