1.- A small light

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Another story full of oddities :3 The priest in charge of looking after us will be Fujimoto Shiro only because I didn't find another better option while the name of the village will not be so important to name it.

Carrying a little girl with only one year old, a woman ran through the streets of the capital city while trying to escape uselessly from the magic knights who for nothing in the world planned to let her escape.

After finally leaving the city, the woman ends up coming to the edge of a cliff so she tried to turn around and take another path but the knights finally cornered her.

—You are surrounded, woman... return the kid and we may forgive your life ...—demanded one of them as he takes out his grimoire as a threat because he didn't want to hurt the little girl in her arms.

The woman looked down slightly to see the girl lying in his arms before covering her better with that cloak she wore before showing a carefree smile towards her pursuers.

—Unfortunately, this girl is much more valuable than my own life so I'm not going to give them to you...— she said, moving back towards the edge of the cliff. He hugged the child tightly with one of her arms while the other was lift to the air.

The magical knights, seeing that there was no other option but to use force, took out their grimoires to prepare to attack but at that moment a violent wind appeared in the surroundings and seconds after that, a huge black dragon took the woman between his claws and flew away from the place.

The woman could already be calm now that she managed to recover what she had been ordered to but unfortunately, things were not going to be as simple as she thought. In the distance she managed to see how the knights returned to the city to quickly grab their brooms and start chasing them.

The humans are so annoying' she thought as she looked around trying to think of something. After seeing a small lake near a remote village, she thinks it was best to hide the kid there while the black dragon attracts the attention of the magicians.

With an effort, the woman finally manages to get free of the dragon's grip and using her own body as a shield to protect the little girl, she falls in the middle of the lake. After making an almost inhuman effort, the woman manages to swim to the shore to check if the girl had suffered any injury.

After verifying that the kid was well, the woman gets up with difficulty of the ground and begins to walk in the direction of the church that was not far from where she had fallen. Her body ached and she could even know that several of her bones were already broken, but despite all that, she continued not caring that this effort could end her life until she finally arrived in front of the church.

He let the little girl down of his arms and left her in front of the church entrance. Removing the cloak that covered her, the woman handed the little girl a necklace with a small ruby ​​and a pendant that had engraved '(Y/N) Ouranos Caelus' on it. She smiled one last time before collapsing to the floor and with one last effort she reached out to knock the door a several times before her life finally vanished from her body.

Shortly after that woman died, a priest came out from the church and saw with sadness that scene before his eyes. The girl cried while trying to uselessly move the woman's body.

—Please do not cry little girl ...—said the priest holding the girl in his arms to try to calm her—everything will be fine, (Y/N) ... I will take care of you from now on ...—

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