3.- Pandora's Box

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This update was planned for january 6th but... who cares anymore?

Happy New Year!!!

In one of the rooms of the palace, one by one the captains of the 9 magical squads met while a strange doubt seemed to invade them

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In one of the rooms of the palace, one by one the captains of the 9 magical squads met while a strange doubt seemed to invade them. It was strange for them to be reunited so suddenly by the Magic Emperor without any previous reports of enemy attacks or anything like that. As soon as the Magic Emperor appeared in the place, all the captains turned around to see him confused before making an honorable greeting to him.

—Julius-sama... if I may ask, can we know what you called us for? —William asked, trying not to sound discourteous in front of the magician. Julius simply smiled without knowing where to start. He wanted the squads to help him find the girl who gave that coat to Lil but he didn't want them to know the reason for all this since he was still not sure if that girl could know anything.

—I'm sorry to have called you so suddenly but I wanted you to help me look for something... — He spoke trying to sound as normal as possible because he didn't want any information he wanted to hide suddenly escape from him. —While you perform your missions and if possible, I would like you to help me look for a girl of about 16 years with long (H/C) hair— asked.

—Sure... but... Didn't you have some more precise characteristics to be able to find her? I'm sure there will be too many girls with those characteristics... — Lil asked. The way the younger magician said that bothered Julius slightly but he managed to hide that anger perfectly well.

—It's an orphan... I guess... —

—Huh? And why should we be looking for an orphan girl? —Nozel said annoyed by the only think that he would have to deal with a simple villager.

—I have my reasons to look for her... If you do not want to help me, I do not care, after all it's just another whim of mine. But for those who wish to help me, I will thank them and I'll give them a reward for their help... —

~ Meanwhile ~

(Y/N) came out of the house on his own and taking Caelus' cape without permission, she flies around the city trying to find a library where she could look for some kind of old text but no matter how many libraries she went through, she could not find anything about what she wanted to know.

Thinking that she would find something in the towers of books located in the other regions of the kingdom, she prepares to go there but Caelus suddenly appears in front of her and stops her.

—What are you looking for? —The young man asked annoyed as he forced the girl to descend from the sky using his magic. —You know that if you need something you can ask me... —

—But... I do not think you would like to answer me... that's the reason why I wanted to find some documents that mentions you or the sacred grimoire... — Caelus only sighed by the words of the girl. He did not like at all the insecure and curious attitude that (Y/N) had but Caelus had his reasons to help her so he considered that revealing a bit of his past was not the great thing as long as he could keep the trust (Y/N) had in him.

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