Chapter 1: Take me to wonderland

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Those first few moments before consciences hit was utter bliss, the delirious, light buzzing was oddly soothing on his still form. When Sam first started gaining awareness of his surroundings he felt his left hand twitch slightly, his forefinger specifically, and suddenly all his available attention was drawn to that.

With a furrow of his brows, Sam's face began to scrunch up to a burning ache somewhere on his temple, instinctively he tried to soothe the pain by reaching towards it, only to find his body unresponsive, guessing it was more numb then he originally thought it was.

Experimentally he blinked from inside his eyelids, frustration drawing lines on his forehead before Sam's hazel green eyes finally opened. The void of never ending darkness replaced by the bright, white light of a blurry, near-unrecognizable hospital room. He winced, trying to peel his eyes open again, waiting for them to adjust.

A hospital room?

Sam's confused pupils greedily scanned the area, brain on a internal rampage to try and remember what series of events lead him to wake up in a hospital? Was it because of the trials? Did they get ambushed? Was dean somewhere around here?

Then that lingering worry

Is dean okay?

His daze broke when he spotted movement out of the corner of his eye- he practically pleaded with his vision to let him focus on the figure next to him- and it worked, to some extent, Sam sensed the familiarity of that white vest and the messy sprout of black hair who was currently fiddling with a vase of flowers, daffodils?

"Castiel?" He croaked, cringing at how raw and raspy his voice sounded

The man I question spun around so fast that Sam could of sworn he heard something pop.

"Y-you're awake!" He sounded so shaken, but his voice sounded exactly like Castiel's so maybe he could clear up some questions he's been dying to ask

"Oh my god" Castiel lunges forward without a second thought to indulge him in an awkwardly intimate hug, it lasted way longer then needed to and If Sam had been more alert then he would of noticed how young Cas suddenly looked.

"The doctors- they said that you would never... I have to get Dean, I'll return straight away!" Cas fled the scene as fast as he could which let Sam gather his whits a bit- he finally got to noticing him being hooked up to a heart monitor, one that was especially quite and Sam thanked the God and Cas for that. The room had that anesthetic stench to it that usually made Sam feel uncomfortable to be, he briefly wondered if he looked as bad as he felt.

Seconds pass by before the familiar vision of his brother Dean shoot through the door with an annoying amount of noise, the bags below his eyes looked like bruises and his clothes were scruffy, along with his hair. Dean's frantic eyes sorta reminded him of a deer caught in headlights, once his eyes locked with Sam's own he broke. The flash of 'manly', blotchy tears streaming down his face when he pummeled into Sam and crushed him in a hug.

"You selfish sonovabitch, why couldn't you have woken up sooner!" He pulls away and angrily wipes away his tears to try and repent for that 'Chick-flick' moment

Dean ... looked young as well

Sam tested his vocal cords again by humming softly, "Wha-" he grunted slightly and Cas- god only knows when he re-appeared- handed him a cool glass of water to which he graciously accepted. "What-" he clears his throat "what happened? Dean, we- we-"

"Doesn't matter Sammy, that drunk fuckers in jail now and all that matters is that you're awake- damn I gotta call, like Mom, Dad- Bobby, pastor Jim..- shit kid, this whole towns gonna be relieved you didn't croak" his .. older? Brother let a watery smile slip and chuckled when Sam froze

Wait, that's not right

Everyone Dean just listed off are dead, there's no way all of them managed to come back..


Did he get sent to another universe like with Zachariah?

Sam decided he should at least test the waters and see how much has been changed without making himself out to be crazy in the universe he's currently situated in.

"Euh, how long was I out for?"

"4 months- well 3 and a bit" it was Cas who answered, to which Dean grumbled, "You missed your birthday kid, Jesus that was such a depressing day.."

"How.." Sam licked his lips, "how old am I?" He immediately noticed the worried looks Cas and his brother exchanged, maybe he should lay off a bit before Dean starts growing grey hairs, "16- you're birthday was just a few weeks ago- hey are you feelin' okay Sammy? No amnesia or nothing??" Sam leant his brother a smile to try and clear him of any suspicions he may have, "no, yea I'm feeling pretty good- just a little hazy y'know" his voice sounded much more pleasing and he could physically see the relief roll off Dean's overbearing shoulders

Sam relaxed slightly before hearing the rush of footsteps cruising towards his room, two elder men slipped through in a hurry, one of which he happily recognized as Bobby, "I called them when I went to get Dean" Cas supplied

"Well there's the little bugger, up and kickin'! How're you doin' love?"

That wasn't Bobby

A chill ran down his spine and his fingers curled around the sheets, what was Crowley, the damn king of hell doing here?

Words: 933
Hope you enjoyed that and hopefully I'll actually update this because ya boy got some P L A N S

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