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Gerard's View

Today's the first day back to school since our break, it was a nice two months but, Summer can't last forever I'm afraid. I was moving up to the senior class and Frank was moving up to the sophomore class.

I wasn't really ready, my summer with Frank was the best... But maybe having to come out to all the people who saw me as a ladies man isn't what I want to do just yet. I pull into the parking lot in front of the school, seeing everyone hug their friends they haven't seen all summer and what not. I sit in the car for a moment, looking out at all the people. Did anyone actually miss me? I think.

I get out and shut the car door behind me, but I'm still not ready to walk in. I lean up against the side of the car, my leather jacket making a small squeak as it hits the metal. I pull a cancer stick from my inside jacket pocket and pop it in my mouth, lighting it in the process.

"Mr.Badass I see... Haven't changed at all." I hear from behind the car a bit. I jump a little at the sound of his voice, it's so recognizable...

I turn my head and tilt my sunglasses to see my old friend, Bert. Bert McCracken.

"Oh my god! Bert?" I yell and run to the back of the car.

"Yeah! Hey, I'm back!" He moved away after sophomore year, the year I met Frank...

"So how's life? What'd I miss?" He smiles and touches my shoulder.

"Oh, Uh-" A thought of Frank flashes through my head. "-Nothing new. Still the same Gerard!" I laugh as I flick the cigarette ashes to the ground.

"My old school was rough, More rough than this shit trap believe it or not, So I moved back here with my Grand parents."

"Rougher than Belleville? Well, Damn. Glad to have my best friend back!" He smiles when I say best friend, Maybe he missed me.

After a few seconds I'm startled by the sound of my name being called in the distance. "Who's that? That Mikey?" He says, Blocking the sun from his eyes and squinting. I look over, "Yeah, That's Mikey, Ray, and Frank. My crew so to speak. Bob's probably inside somewhere-- Or not even awake for that matter. But yeah, That's them." I gesture towards them as they walk closer.

"Bert? Is that you, Man?" Mikey says adjusting his glasses. "Yeah dude! Hey!" He says, pulling him into a hug. Frank walks over to me and gets on his tiptoes to whisper something. "Who's that guy? I've never seen him...Like ever..."

"Just me and Mikey's Old friend Bert, He moved away right when you moved here." I say, Fixing my hair.

He Oh's and stands there for a second before tiptoeing again, "Does he...know?" He asks. I shake my head and give him the and-he-won't look. He sighs and walks over beside Ray, Who is talking to Mikes and Bert about guitars. I wonder what Bert would think if he knew...

Frank's View

It's about time for lunch and I've barley seen Gerard...He's been with that Bert guy and he's paying me no attention. I get that he doesn't want to come out just yet, But ignoring me completely? What the fuck! I slam my tray onto the table we usually sit at, Ray and Bob following close behind me. "You alright Frank? You seem pissed." Bob says, flipping his bangs from his eyes. "Gerard hasn't even bothered to look at me all damn day..." Ray let's out a chuckle but quickly turns it off. "What?" His face drops and Bob hits him in the arm. "WHAT?" I say, getting more an more angry by the second.

"Uh, You know Bert?"

"Yeah... From what I saw at least. Am I missing something?"

"Well, Um...Uh..."

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