White Sneakers

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Gerard's View

It's been two weeks since the camera incident. We've kinda dropped it I guess.... Lynz's on holiday with her family so what's the use of chasing her down anyways? Frank, Bob, Mikey, Ray and I are heading to the comic book store in the mall, we're running low on our comic stocks...The thing is, Everyone tells me I can make my own comics...I mean, I can draw pretty well...Maybe I'll try some day.

As we walk into the mall, we see a familiar face at the counter as we walk by a shop window... I was hoping he wouldn't be here, But great! Frank, of course, walked rather close to me, and the others lagged behind as usual. We walked into the comic shop and Pete shot us a look. "Hey cum-rag, didn't expect to see you here..." Bob says, bulking up his chest. Pete's eyes grow huge and he quickly walks out the door with two books in his hand. I turn back and thumbs up Bob and we all laugh at his protectiveness.  

 Me and Frank head straight towards the X-Men section, Since I've been wanting the newest addition to the series. "What'cha lookin' for babe?" Frank nudges. "Uhhh, Thi- No...This On- No...Oh This- Wait, God damn it No. Ugh! They don't have it." I start to pout, as I always do when it doesn't exactly go my way. "Here, Let's ask this dude up here." Frank walks up to the counter and talks to the Man working there. "Uh, Hey. Do you guys have the new X-Men comic? My Uh- Friend really digs the series and he uh- Can't seem to find it." He says in a very sweet, but awkward, sounding tone. 

"Oh, Uh, Sorry dude. The little man who just left bought the last two copies. I can save you a copy when I get some more stock in, bro." Frank gives him a weird look and rolls his eyes. "Nah, we're good." The guy shrugs and continues what he was doing before Frank appeared. "Sorry babe, They don't." He said, sticking out his bottom lip. "Oh stop it." I giggle and gently push him back, Him being such a cute little tease. 

I hear the guys getting bored, all of them complaining about the lack of good comics, so we all leave the store and explore more of the mall. We walk past tons of girly, glittery, shit stores. That's basically ll the mall is. We pass the record shop, we were just at the good record shop last week. But, As we walk by a shoe store... Something catches my eye....

"Hey guys... Let's stop here." I say, getting them all to stop. "What would you want from there man... It's just a shoe store?" Ray mutters. "What? Can I not like shoes?" I say, giving them a smirk as I walk in. I hear Bob whisper, Dammit! Full gay Gerard! and I turn around and hit him. 

I walk up to them. 

The shoes.

They're.... Calling me. 

I pick up a pair of them, All clean and new. These white converse are going to be my new best friends. I think I just might be able to keep them forever... 

Frank's View

Gerard is lovingly looking at a pair of shoes, should I be scared?

After buying and wearing them out, Gerard walks us all back to the car and we all get in. We drive down the road as usual, shouting at each other, singing random songs, calling each other names, and trying to distract Gerard. I don't see why...Did we have a death wish? Maybe a little. We arrive back at Gerard's house and head down to his room to do some more Band work...That's right. Since this whole picture scandal, We needed something to get our minds off of it. So we went back to practicing and working on more songs. Gerard's written a new one by the name of, "Headfirst for Halos."... It sounds cool... Of course because it's him singing it. His voice is heavenly. 

After an hour of practicing, everyone's all sweaty and irritated but of course, I'm still pumped, all jumping around and shit. Ray and Bob plop down on to the bean bag chairs, Mikey heads up to nap in his room I suppose, and Gee goes into the bathroom. Of course I try to follow him, I stick my foot in the door as he tries to shut it. "Mind if I join?" I say innocently. "Frank, not now. I'm not in the mood." He sighs and tries to shut the door again, but I grab it with my hand, "Not like that, I just wanna sit in here... You know I love talking to yo-" he rolls his eyes. "Frank. I said not right now. God! Sometimes you're so fucking annoy-" He stops himself when he sees my smirk drop. I turn to walk back but he grabs my wrist. "Baby I didn't mean tha-" I turn back to him my face red from hurt, "yes you did. You so meant it. Don't even. I'm going home." I say, Snagging my arm back from his grasp. His face drops and he gets all pale, As he does when He's nervous. I just crack my knuckles and walk out, Up the stairs, and out the front door. Am I really that annoying? So annoying that he'd just blow up on me? I didn't want to think right now. I'm not gonna cry. It's not like a break up. I just, I don't know. I wish he wouldn't think of me as annoying. 

I run across the road and a little ways up the block and get to my house. I run inside and see Mom reading a book and talking to Skye, I just ignore them and run upstairs. My small room upstairs is a white color, with a few posters and black tees on the ground. I have a huge tree outside my window and a window beside my bed and nightstand... I stayed at Gee's all the time because my bed was so small. But my room is okay for our budget I guess. I lay down on my bed and in-lace myself in the covers, burrowing my face in one of the deep blue pillows. Does Gerard really mean that? Noo....No frnk, No. but....Maybe...

Gerard's View

I run after him, I knew he would be at home In his room, He's always there when he's not with me. I see that his mom and stuff is home, That'd be awkward. She doesn't know me for real yet... Hmmm. As I was thinking, I look over and see a tree leading straight to Frankie's room....



Hey guys! Thanks for all the support, I appreciate it v much c: Keep up with me by voting, following, sharing, and adding this story to your library! Tell me what you think about the story so far, and tell me what you thinks gonna happen next time! :D

*waves goodbye*


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